Obama’s Visit to Cincinnati

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers

  • Obama’s been campaigning for re-election every day since his Inauguration, so showing up in Cincinnati for Monday’s Just Another Obama Crappy Campaign Event with “111” more days until the November Elections is no big deal. —National News Media
  • The Obama Campaign has always felt welcome in Cincinnati ever since RINO Party Boss Alex T. helped me turn Hamilton County “Blue” in 2008. —Hamilton County Demo-Labor Party Boss Tim Burka
  • Was publishing Cincinnati Girly Mayor Mark Mallory’s “Love Letter to Obama” on Monday timely enough? —Feckless Fishwrappers
  • Would it do any good for Republicans to complain about Obama misusing over-taxed payers’ funds one more time? —GOP House Speaker John Boehner
  • Does anybody remember when Obama was in Cincinnati to deliver his Historic “Bridge Too Far” Campaign Speech last September? He promised all those shovel ready jobs and there were no jobs? —Gary Girder, a Still Unemployed Member of the Amalgamated Union of Bridge Builders
  • The Obama Campaign chose Music Hall for Monday’s Just Another Obama Crappy Campaign Event so we wouldn’t have so far to walk when the doors opened at 11:30 A.M. and the event didn’t actually start until three hours later. —City Hall Slackers, Taking a Really Long Lunch
  • No matter how long the wait, we could easily find time to attend Monday’s Just Another Obama Crappy Campaign Event because over-taxed payers are all working. —Political Parasites Looking for More Free Stuff from the Government
  • Please don’t ask me to pick up the tab for the City’s costs for Monday’s Just Another Obama Crappy Campaign Event. —$tan Che$ley
  • You can’t imagine how many lies we heard at Monday’s Just Another Obama Crappy Campaign Event. —Obama BS Counters
  • Obama isn’t apologizing for lying about Romney’s record so likely voters won’t focus on his own record, which includes unemployment above 8% for the past 41 months, $17 Trillion in Debt, and his own Outsourced Fund-raising in France, Switzerland, Sweden, and China. —Astute Analysts
  • We never called Romney a felon. We just said he might have committed a felony. —Obama Political Adviser David Axeldouche
  • If they’re calling Romney a felon in July, what do you think will they be saying about him in November? —Independent Voters
  • We still think Romney should make his tax returns public. —36 Obama Staffers Who Owe a Combined $833K in Back Taxes
  • Isn’t it great? Obama’s already spent $100 million for lying attack ads about Romney in Battle Ground States like Ohio and the two candidates are still tied. —Greedy Local TV Ad Salesmen
  • The best part of politics is you can say anything you want about your opponent and he has to prove you’re wrong. —Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane
  • Maybe Romney could’ve upstage Monday’s Just Another Obama Crappy Campaign Event in Cincinnati if the Romney Campaign had announced me as his VP running mate. —Rob “Fighting for Fourth Place” Portman (Speaking at a Campaign Event in the Wrong County)
  • On this date in 1980, Ronald Reagan formally accepted the GOP nomination for president, but he didn’t announce his running mate until later. —Hurley the Historian
  • That’s why we chose Reagan’s “Say hello to my former adversary, George Herbert Walker Bush.” —Your Quote for Today Committee
  • Sorry for the inconvenience, but we had to lock down the entire Macy’s building at lunch time while Obama ate his obligatory campaign lunch at Skyline at street level. —Obama’s Secret Service Detail
  • We’re sure all those people stuck in traffic because of Monday’s Just Another Obama Crappy Campaign Event in Cincinnati will forget all about it when it comes time to vote. —SUV Gas Guzzler Owners
  • We organized our own Just Another Crappy Rally on Fountain Square with no big name speakers so we could explain the Obama Campaign’s “Top Ten Lies and Exaggerations.” —Cincinnati Tea Party
  • Please don’t ask why I didn’t even turn out all my courthouse cronies and patronage employees for such an important event. —Hamilton County RINO Party Boss Alex T. Mall Cop GOP
  • Monday’s rally on Fountain Square was a great place to call Tea Partiers racists, if only more than a few of them had shown up. —Paid Obama Demonstrators

  • They could’ve burnt Olympic uniforms made in China. —Cincinnati Clothing Manufacturers
  • Those Kevin O’Brien T-shirts we were selling were made in America. Kuhl’s Hot Sport Spot
  • Please don’t forget to mention how small the crowd was to greet Obama at the DHL facility in Erlanger when the only dignitaries they could get to show up were Hamilton County Commissioner Todd Opportune, Cincinnati Clown-cilman Cecil Thomas, and Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear. —Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo
  • With the size of Obama’s motorcade, it’s too bad there wasn’t a toll gate on the Brent Spence Bridge. —Trish the Dish at Channel 19 News
  • Sheree Paolello says Time Warner viewers will be able to see Obama’s speech live on Channel 5 if he ever visits Terra Haute. —Jack Atherton

— Whistleblower Official Weekly Disclaimer —

Sometimes The Blower makes fun of crappy campaign events to show that tying up traffic for political rallies and fund-raisers is not acceptable in our society. This should be clear to anybody who isn’t a campaigning at over-taxed payers’ expense.

This publication is a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead without satirical intent is purely coincidental, especially incumbent presidential re-election campaigns.


e-mail your inconvenient truths today.

Some Obama Campaign Bashing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Obama Campaign Bashing subscribers, but we could always use more.

Link of the Day

Obama Blues

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

Current Whistleblower Policies and Disclaimers can be found here