Daily Archives: July 1, 2012

Whistleblower Week in Review

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Blower’s Week in Review

  • OUR NUMBER ONE STORY THIS WEEK was when Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus said Obama won an historic legal battle in the Supreme Court, but ironically, it just might cost him the election in “128” more days, because the Supreme Court decision made ObamaCare the central issue in the 2012 election, which gives Mitt Romney the opportunity to appeal the Supreme Court’s decision to the American people on November 6th, just like in the 2010 election. And we know how that turned out for Obama and the DemocRATS, because by formally converting “ObamaCare” into “ObamaTax,” the court allows Republicans to argue that Obama violated his 2008 pledge to not raise taxes on middle-class Americans.

In the first few hours after the ruling, Mitt Romney raised $4.3 million from 43,000 on-line donations, and everybody saw Romney say, “If We Want To Get Rid Of ObamaCare, We’re Going To Have To Replace Obama.”

And instantly afterwards, the Republican National Committee introduced its new web ad called “The Final Verdict.” And in Thursday evening’s fund-raising evening, the Romney Campaign said the ObamaTax hurts job creators.

  • OUR NUMBER TWO STORY THIS WEEK was when our DC Newsbreaker reported the Republican-Controlled House, had finally voted on those long-overdue Contempt of Congress charges against Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder. Obama’s White House Spokes Dweeeb Jay Cardboard had tried to tell reporters the GOP should cancel Holder’s contempt vote because Americans don’t care. Black House DemocRATS said it was all just a political stunt, so they walked out during the vote. If that didn’t demonstrate their racist DemocRAT political actions, nothing would!

Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart ripped Obama’s use of “Executive Privilege?” Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen said, “Wait till you see the results of polls that ask if Holder-Gate is worse than Watergate.” And noted Legal Scholar Napolitano Tadwell wondered if anybody remembered 2007 when Obama attacked Bush for hiding behind Executive Privilege.

  • AND OUR NUMBER THREE STORY THIS WEEK was when after nearly three weeks of subtle hints in The Blower, somebody in the news media finally did his job and followed up on Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel’s exclusive report that an Anderson Township woman had actually signed a complaint accusing Disgraced Township Dis-Trustee Kevin P. O’Brien of masturbating in her car after she gave him a ride home from a party. [SEE THAT STORY HERE]

Our Snitch at the Anderson Government Center says people have often referred to Kevin as a “Whack Job,” but that now takes on a whole new meaning.

  • MONDAY in our Current “Constitutional Crisis” E-dition, The Blower reported it was more than just Obama’s bogus birth certificate and published our “Conservative Civics Lesson.”

Liberal attacks on the U.S. Constitution have become commonplace during the Age of Obama, and this week, Republicans in Congress have scheduled a vote in the House to find Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder in Contempt. And that’s after Obama’s last-minute assertion of “executive privilege” turned a political back-and-forth between the DOJ and a congressional committee into a full-blown scandal ensnaring the president. After all, nothing says “I have nothing to hide” with then only “133” more days until a presidential election like an executive power grab to block investigators from looking at government documents.

That’s why Whistleblower Constitutional Scholar Madison Jamison suggested that today’s Conservative Civics Lesson include “Your Common Sense of Rights.”


  • TUESDAY in our Another “Bad Week for Obama” E-dition, The Blower predicted another nineteen to go and our “Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers” included:

With only “132” more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, this be our worst week yet for the Obama Regime. —Political Scorekeepers

Monday in a big defeat for Obama, the Supreme Court ruled it would still be OK to for us to check the immigration status of anyone we suspect to be in the country illegally.—Arizona Police Officers

Conservatives on SCOTUS also rejected limits corporate campaign spending limits. —Bundlers for Romney

And don’t forget last week when the Supremes said we had to give our members notice and the ability to opt out of proposed dues increases to be used to pay for DemocRAT election ads. —Union Goons

Our Death Panel is waiting to rule on Obamacare later on Thursday. We’re just trying to build up a little suspense. —Conservative Justices on The Supreme Court

Would Wednesday be a good day for House Republicans to vote to hold Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt? —John Boehner

Did everybody see how I ripped Obama’s use of “Executive Privilege?” —Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart

Wait till you see the results of polls that ask if Holder-Gate is worse than Watergate. —Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen


  • WEDNESDAY in our Special “Scheduling SNAFU” E-dition, The Blower wondered why nobody bothered to check a calendar and we decided to call the day “No News Wednesday.”

GOP House Speaker John Boehner needed to have a serious sit-down with his scheduler. The Republican-controlled House had scheduled its historic vote to hold Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder for Contempt of Congress on Thursday. But Thursday was the same day the U.S. Supreme Court was slated to announce its Obamacare ruling. What great timing!


  • THURSDAY, in our Special “News Hype Overload” E-dition, The Blower reported Obama was blaming Romney for outsourcing news-hype and explained that day’s hype shortage:

Whistleblower Political Prognosticator Nostradamus Tadwell said we all should’ve listened to him, because with then only “130” more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections, today was an acute shortage of available hype that made it impossible for the American news media to function properly.

The crisis was caused when GOP House Speaker John Boehner forgot to check with his scheduler and arranged two separate historic votes to bring Contempt of Congress charges against Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder, on the same day Vampire Killers on the Supreme Court were planning to drive a stake through the heart of Obama’s Health Care Legacy.


  • FRIDAY in our Special “SCOTUS Surprise” E-dition, The Blower predicted it would be the biggest tax increase in American History that Obama said would not be a tax:

Was Whistleblower Political Prognosticator Nostradamus Tadwell right about the shortage of media hype yesterday or what? The air was sucked out of every other story except when the Supreme Court ruled to uphold Obama’s Health Care Legacy by defining it as a “tax” (which Obama has claimed time and time again it wasn’t) and those historic GOP-Controlled House votes to bring Contempt of Congress charges against Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder. If only Obama hadn’t opposed building the Keystone Hype-Line. We really could have used that extra hype.

Obama had three different speeches prepared ahead of Thursday’s Supreme Court Ruling. Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says ObamaCare has already lost in the court of public opinion. Also before ruling, Mitt Romney said Obamacare was a “bad policy” that diverted the president’s attention away from the more important issue of getting the nation’s unemployed back to work while using the court’s ruling to continue campaigning against “ObamaCare” and attacking the president’s signature health care program as the largest tax increase in American history. Romney also said and he’ll repeal ObamaCare as soon as he’s elected, along with appointing some really Conservative Supreme Court Justices.


  • SATURDAY in our Official “ObamaCare Update” E-dition, The Blower said “Now we get to call it the “ObamaTax”:

“Fox News” called Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling a short-term victory for Obama and said it’s now up to Congress to put Americans back in control of their health care, and GOP House Speaker John Boehner said the ObamaTax should be repealed and promptly scheduled a vote in the House on July 11.

Congressman Steve Chabothead said, “The Fate of Obamacare Now Hinges on November.” But PMSNBC recorded “Junketing Jean” Schmidt outside Supreme Court on Thursday and captured Southwest Ohio’s Most Embarrassing Elected Official in History (including Jerry Springer) wildly cheering for the ObamaTax victory. [WATCH THAT VIDEO HERE]

Meanwhile, “Mean Jean’s” replacement “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup said, “The Supreme Court’s decision is a disappointment, and an insult to the large majority of Ohioans who opposed ObamaTax by their vote for Issue 3 last year.” Say what?



Although our campaign is not associated with the Failed United Way, your liberal guilt giving throughout the year still makes it all possible.


e-mail your stories about worthy waifs today. 

  • OBAMA 2012: Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose say on Friday, Obama re-election Campaigners at the White House were spam-gramming their local e-mail list, whining about how much Mitt Romney and the Republicans had raised during June and trying to convince people that all that money they’d be paying for their health care wasn’t really a tax, in spite of what the Supreme Court ruled.
  • REPUBLICANS IN 2012: Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus reports Mitt Romney told Newsmax, “ObamaCare is not good law, it’s not good policy. The American people didn’t want it in 2010. That’s one of the reasons we picked up so many seats in the House and Senate, and I think in the election this November people who know they don’t want ObamaCare will have to vote out President Obama, and that’s a plus for me.
  • OHIO RINO PARTY: In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chef Gerry Manders says Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett Ohio RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett said last November, Ohioans in all 88 counties rejected the government takeover of health care, sending a clear message that voters in the Buckeye state will not stand for the President’s overreaching attack on our health care system.
  • THE LATEST POLLS: Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says on Wednesday night (before the Supreme Court ruling was announced), Republicans tended to give the court good ratings, while DemocRATS were evenly divided between good/excellent and poor. On Thursday night (after the Supreme Court ruling was announced), the partisan positions were reversed. Imagine that!
  • OUR LATE NIGHT JOKEWATCHER liked Jay Leno’s “In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court ruled President Obama’s healthcare mandate is constitutional. This is a major victory for President Obama, who spent three years promoting it, and a major setback for Mitt Romney, who spent three years creating it. So now if you’re an illegal immigrant in Arizona hoping to become a citizen so you can get free healthcare, this is the greatest week of your life.”
  • HURLEY THE HISTORIAN says on this date in 1863, the largest military conflict in North American history began, as Union and Confederate forces collided at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. At least Lincoln wasn’t getting hassled by Congress about the War Powers Act, the way Obama always ignores.
  • OUR QUOTE FOR TODAY COMMITTEE: chose Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, which included “The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.”
  • VOTER FRAUD UPDATE: The Obama campaign has recruited a legion of lawyers to be on standby for this year’s election to ensure maximum DemocRAT Voter Fraud in this year’s elections. This appears to be unrivaled by Republicans or precedent.
  • THUGS ‘R US: Last week the U.S. Supreme Court sharply criticized public-sector unions for using money from nonmembers to fund special political campaigns, stepping into the intense political debate about such unions and signaling that new constitutional limits may be coming.
  • HAMILTON COUNTY RINO PARTY: Did somebody really congratulate Alex T., Mall Cop GOP and Jennifer Triantafilou on their joyful remarriage? Some folks still remember when Alex T. got Tracy Winkler to give Jennifer a $50,000/year over-taxed payer-funded job she was completely unqualified to hold? Now Chairman Alex T gets to claim his share of the loot!
  • MEDIA MENDACITY: Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters says in the blink of a shocking Supreme Court ruling Thursday, the President’s signature piece of legislation went from ObamaCare to OTaxaCare. Not surprisingly, the Obama-loving media didn’t mind that despite promises from their hero his healthcare reform wasn’t a tax, according to the highest court in the land, it is.
  • LIBERAL LUNACY: In Human Events’ “365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy,” #285, tell a joke:

Q. What’s the difference between ObamaCare and a car battery?

A. The car battery has a positive side.

  • DYSFUNCTIONAL DEMOCRATS: Nutty Nancy Pelosi believes Americans won’t really care that they were lied to the whole time about Obamacare – the largest tax in US history. It’s just “Washington talk” that dumbed-down, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, politically-correct uninformed short-attention-span Americans don’t really care much about.
  • REPUBLICANS FOR HIGHER TAXES: celebrated the Supreme Court’s ObamaCare decision because it was ruled a “tax increase.” They are now joyfully referring to this plan as the “ObamaCare Tax Increase.”
  • MORE FECKLESS FISHWRAPPERY: Remember when The Fishwrap’s new idiotorial page editor Dave Holthaus said he just wants to help our region “devolve” into a tolerant community. In case you didn’t notice, Friday’s idiotorial said “Let’s give health reform a chance.” No kidding!
  • RACIAL HEALING UPDATE: Last week, Liberals just couldn’t stop playing the Race Card and whining about how Republicans wanted to hold Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General in Contempt just because of the color of his skin, not for the content of his character. This week Black House DemocRATS said it was all just a political stunt, so walk out during the vote, because If that wouldn’t show their racist DemocRAT political intentions, nothing will!
  • LEGAL BRIEFS: Congratulations to Whistleblower Legal Dream Team Chairman Scott Greenwood for being named to the Hillard Heintze Senior Leadership Council, which is dedicated to bringing national and international best practices to the pursuit of excellence in policing and public safety. Was Scott chosen for his “Senior Executive-Level Expertise in Two Critical Arenas: DOJ Areas of Strength and Civil Liberties,” or was it all those humorous “Crazy Eric” Deters stories he always includes in his presentations.
  • HOW ABOUT DEM REDS: Typical Revolting Reds’ Rooter Farley Fairweather couldn’t believe Dusty’s boys were still in first place by a whole game before Saturday’s game in San Francisco.
  • THE CINCINNATI MESS (You’ll only read about in The Blower): In Saturday’s E-dition, The Blower reported in Cincinnati, illegal immigrants have been moving in almost as quickly as hard working over-taxed payers are moving out. Mayor Mallory’s Extreme Liberal City Clown-cil just raised property taxes while not figuring out what to do with their paltry $34 million budget deficit. And Anti-Taxers said Laure “Not So” Clealivin’ was caught lying about her no new taxes pledge? Then, to what do our wondering eyes did appear—Cincinnati’s latest Website dedicated to Laure and her crony crowns on clown-cil.

  • CH SNITCH AT 1000 MAIN STREET: wonders if Republicans will ever get a real candidate to replace placeholder Maggie Wuellner as Incumbent DemocRAT Odd Todd Opportune’s opponent in the one commissioner’s race. Probably at the same time Disorganized DemocRATS find to run against Me. Greg Hartmann in the other commissioner’s race.
  • IN ANDERSON: Anderson Township Trustee, Kevin “Spanky” O’Brien, will be entering the Anderson’s Got Talent competition with his now famous “Choking the Chicken” Act. Spanky O’Brien confidently believes that he will be able to beat-off any and all challengers. He considered performing his other act affectionately known as the “Two-finger Tango” but settled on Choking the Chicken since it was publicized by The Fishwrap. We tried contacting Spanky, but his lawyer said he was away visiting with Rosie Palm in Wanker, Kentucky
  • SOREHEADS IN THE SUBURBS: wonder if Kevin’s penis qualified for their item this week.
  • OHIO’S SECOND CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT: That embarrassing PMSNBC video of “Junketing Jean” Schmidt wildly cheering for the ObamaTax victory has gone viral and people all of the country are once again laughing at Southwest Ohio’s Most Embarrassing Elected Official in History (including Jerry Springer). [WATCH THAT VIDEO HERE] “Junketing Jean’s” News Flack Barrett Brunsman tried to explain that the whole thing was just one big terrible mistake. “She wasn’t really screaming ‘Yes, Yes’ to celebrate Obama’s victory. She was just practicing her ‘When Harry Met Sally’ impersonation.”
  • READING THE TEA LEAVES: Our Friends at the Anderson Tea Party couldn’t stop congratulating Ohio Senator Bill “The Ethnic Cleanser” Seitz and Representative Lou Terhar for pushing through a bill creating two new positions on the Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority, one to represent the Townships and one to represent Municipalities. Perhaps those two new members could ask why the Dayton regional housing authority agreed to pay

Cincinnati’s new Housing Authority Chief Gregory Johnson at least $53,333 to leave his job there, after Johnson resigned for no stated reason under a cloud of controversy.

Another Patriotic Poem

Today’s the Fourth of July,
When all the flags will surely fly.
In the fireworks bright glow,
The girlies will show,
All their goodies raised up real high.

(And that’s why we never miss a parade.)

  • THIS WEEK IN KENTON CIRCUIT COURT: The latest and greatest e-dition of Our Good Friend Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney E Rob Sanders hot summer e-newsletter is on cyber news stands now! This week’s This Week In Kenton Circuit Court features several scoundrels, dozens of delinquents, and bunches of boneheads including this guy named Feliz Santos Velez who was apparently didn’t like the way his assault trial was going so after the first day, he just never came back to court. No worries though… one of the Robster’s pit bull prosecutors went on without him and the jury convicted his empty chair in a matter of minutes. If you see Felix, let him know things didn’t go so well for him in his absence but if he’ll kindly turn himself in, he won’t have to worry about paying rent for the next 12 1/2 years!
  • ALSO IN NORTHERN KENTUCKY: Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says following Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding part of Arizona’s get-tough immigration law, the door was opened for Kentucky to join a growing list of states moving to enact statutes aimed at reducing their population of illegal immigrants. Republican State Senator John Schickel from Union says he plans to reintroduce previous legislation now that the high court has ruled on Arizona’s law.

Just like in Arizona, Schickel’s legislation would have allowed local law enforcement officials to check the immigration status of individuals they lawfully stop, detain or encounter in the course of their duties. Police could arrest those who couldn’t provide proof of legal residency. Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Ric Keller’s “The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.” Just what part of “Illegal Immigrants” don’t folks in Washington understand anyway?

  • THIS WEEK AT A MEETING OF THE CONSERVATIVE AGENDA: Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the confusion in the news media about which event to cover this weekend — the Gay Pride Parade in Downtown Cincinnati or that hillbilly Quaker State 400 Race in Northern Kentucky. Maybe they should’ve combined the two events.”

“If you think that’s confusing,” Kane explained, “think about what would happen if some of the participants showed up at the wrong event. Some folks would show up with some really colorful cars in Kentucky and Cincinnati’s Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark Mallory would be there to throw out the first pitch, and in Downtown Cincinnati Tony Stewart driving the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile (which appeared at the Newport Kroger superstore on Saturday) would cover the gay pride parade route in less than two seconds.”

  • AND COMING UP IN “THE WEEK THAT WILL BE”: The Blower’s Campaign Countdowns to will continue. Speaking of which, the 2012 Elections are only “127” days away.

Monday we’ll be focusing on Ordinary Americans reactions to Thursday’s Supreme Court ObamaTax Ruling.

Tuesday is “Disobedience Day,” and we’ll be featuring Real E-Mails from Real Disobedient Subscribers.

Wednesday is “Independence Day,” but who ever heard of a national holiday in the middle of the week?

Thursday is “Work-a-holics Day,” – even though everyone will probably still be on a holiday.

The first line of next Friday’s limerick is: “When we celebrate the Fourth of July,” and you just can’t more timely than that.

And Saturday is “National Strawberry Sundae Day.” It’s also “Chocolate Day,” so Graeters and UDF are going to be really busy.


e-mail your revolutionary recaps today

Some political scorekeeping items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally political scorekeeping subscribers, but let’s face it, we could always use a lot more.

Link of the Day

Romney Ad Uses Hillary Ripping Obama For “Perpetuating Falsehoods”

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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