Monthly Archives: June 2012

Special “Scheduling SNAFU” E-dition

One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Happy “No News Wednesday,” Everybody!

  • GOP House Speaker John Boehner needs to have a serious sit-down with his scheduler. The Republican-controlled House has scheduled its historic vote to hold Obama’s Arrogant Attorney General Eric Holder for Contempt of Congress on Thursday. But isn’t Thursday the same day the U.S. Supreme Court is slated to announce its Obamacare ruling? What great timing!
  • In Washington, our DC Newsbreaker says on Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa wrote Obama, saying, “Either you’re involved in Fast & Furious or your executive privilege claim is unjustified.” Maybe somebody could get that story on the Liberal Networks’ Evening TV News tonight, along with an item about 31 Republican senators urging Holder to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the Obama regime’s recent national security leaks, just like both Obama and Biden urged while they were serving in the Senate, and wasn’t a Special Prosecutor appointed then?
  • Meanwhile, Anti-Taxed Payers slammed Obama for lavishly politicking on the over-taxed payers’ dime last night, as Boston ran up a $200,000 tab providing security so the Obama could breeze in and out of town for a series campaign fund-raising events. “There is no taxpayer interest in any of this. It’s all about getting him re-elected, and the campaign should pay for everything,” said David Tuerck, a government ethics watchdog with Suffolk University. But maybe the expense was worth it. After all, our Campaigner-in-Chief was busy telling his donors and bundlers how “Patriotic Americans should be willing to pay more taxes.” No kidding!

And how’s this for Chutzpah: In the midst of his two-day, seven fundraiser bonanza at over-taxed payers’ expense, Obama complains Romney has more time for fundraisers. We kid you not!

At least that Romney campaign bus taunting Obama supporters by honking the horn while circling the fundraiser in Downtown Boston was paid for by the Romney campaign.

  • But speaking of sleazy, Obama’s “Wedding Registry Fundraiser” may well go down as the tackiest political appeal in history. Imagine asking wedding guests to send a donation to the Obama campaign in place of a gift to the newlyweds. The Blower can hardly wait until the Obama campaign suggests that people organizing funerals have donations sent to Obama in lieu of flowers.
  • And back at the White House, did Obama’s Spokes Dweeb really tell reporters to “put aside their criticisms of the president until the issue of who is to be the next president is decided by the voters?” It’s the least they could do.
  • With more than one in seven people in Obama’s America already on food stamps, why is Obama’s Department of Agriculture spending $2.5 million on radio ads encouraging more people to sign up for the free stuff. Could it be that there are only “131” more days until the 2012 Presidential Elections?
  • In the 415th in their series of 972 daily items promoting Rob “Fighting for Freedom Centers” Portman’s Never-Ending Vice Presidential Campaign, our Fanatical Fishwrappers at least asked if the Robster’s relationship with the Bush Administration might not be too terribly helpful. Neither, we suppose, would mentioning the first time he went to Washington for his Patton, Boggs & Blow job.
  • Hurley the Historian says on this day in 2003, it was the first date people could put their telephone numbers on a “Do Not Call List,” so telemarketers couldn’t keep calling them. Now they need to do the same thing for politicians with their damn Robocalls.
  • In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says Governor Kasich’s budget director has asked state agency leaders to prepare two spending plans for the next budget cycle, with one based on current funding levels from general revenue and the other assuming a 10% cut. Guess which one The Blower prefers.
  • The Anderson Tea Party says the Romney campaign is reaching out for help to win Ohio, asking for volunteers to contact a select group of voters in each precinct. What a wonderful new experience for all those precinct executives.
  • Less than a year after the Defense Department’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” (DADT) policy toward gay and lesbian service members was repealed, the Pentagon held its first-ever fabulous Gay Pride event Tuesday, while back in the Queen City, everyone is wondering if there will also be gay goose-steppers at this weekend’s gayest ever Gay Pride Parade, or will our Girly Mayor be performing gay marriages this weekend at Sawyer Point. Whistleblower Alternative Life-Style Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis say any lesbian that shows up with a “licker license” can be married. And there’ll be no beating around the bush.
  • Down at the City Hall Circus, it’s nice to know all of the City’s tax and spending problems are under control so Clown-cil can go on their summer break.
  • Whistleblower Gossip Columnist Linda Libel is surprised so far only one person has identified our weenie wagging Hamilton County elected official who does not work at the courthouse, and CH Snitch at 1000 Main Street says more people could guess our political pervert’s identity if only somebody at the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office wasn’t holding up release of the police report.
  • Finally, at yesterday’s Bribe Lunch, a Clueless Conservative Campaign Consultant was asking Charles Foster Kane what he thought about over-taxed payers in local communities always having to foot the bill for presidential campaign events when there is no clear taxpayer interest. “Perhaps that would be something your candidate could talk about, if he ever gave a campaign speech to our Tea Party Patriots,” our Beloved Whistleblower Publisher advised.

Bluegrass Backups

  • Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says following Monday’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding part of Arizona’s get-tough immigration law, the door was opened for Kentucky to join a growing list of states moving to enact statutes aimed at reducing their population of illegal immigrants. Republican State Senator John Schickel from Union says he plans to reintroduce previous legislation now that the high court has ruled on Arizona’s law.

Just like in Arizona, Schickel’s legislation would have allowed local law enforcement officials to check the immigration status of individuals they lawfully stop, detain or encounter in the course of their duties. Police could arrest those who couldn’t provide proof of legal residency.

Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Ric Keller’s “The economic impact of illegal immigration on taxpayers is catastrophic.”

And just what part of “Illegal Immigrants” don’t folks in Washington understand anyway?

  • The CamBoozler also says everybody was really surprised when former Highlands High School teacher Andrea Conners entered a guilty plea to one count of first-degree sexual abuse in Campbell Circuit Court on Tuesday for having sex with a student. That never would’ve happened if Eric “Call Me Crazy” Deters had been representing her.

Crazy Eric has been busy elsewhere these days. According to the Maysville Ledger Independent, last week U.S. District Court Judge David Bunning put the final nail in Crazy Eric’s wrongful death case in Bracken County as the final element was dismissed in Crazy Eric’s original 10-count complaint against Bracken County deputies, Kentucky State Police troopers, and Campbell County Police officers for numerous violations, including battery, negligence, excessive force, violation of the 14th Amendment, loss of consortium, and multiple constitutional violations. Members of the Cabal Still Out to Destroy Crazy Eric wonder why Crazy Eric hasn’t already been sanctioned for filing such a frivolous case in the first place. The Cabal is now wondering who’ll be the plaintiff’s attorney in Saturday’s unfortunate officer-involved shooting case in Elsmere.


e-mail your bogus green cards today.

Some Immigration Reform items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Immigration Reforming subscribers.

Link of the Day

Play “Border Patrol” Here

Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.

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