One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Wasn’t It Supposed to Reduce the Defecit?
Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says Obamacare will actually add more than $340 billion to the nation’s budget woes over the next decade, according to a new study by a Republican member of the board that oversees Medicare financing. And if that’s not another good reason for Liberals to support Obama’s historic health-care initiative, we don’t know what is. Now if we only knew a local Congressional Candidate with a medical background, the news media might even quote him.
One local Congressman doing his job these days is Steve Chabothead, speaking out about the award given to disgraceful Jew-hating journalist Helen Thomas by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. How much over-taxed payers’ money is going to those murdering terrorists anyway, Steve?
- Obsessive Obama Supporters Tom and Rose say with just “208” more days until our November Elections, the Obama re-election Campaigners at the White House were spam-gramming their e-mail list on Monday trying to get followers to sign a class warfare petition to support the so-called “Buffett Rule” to make sure rich people paid more than their fair share of taxes. The only problem is Obama’s friend Mr. Buffett, who says he supports the plan, is one of the biggest tax scofflaws in America. Let us know when Buffett’s companies pay his billion dollars in back taxes, owed since 2002.
Tuesday afternoon in Gettysburg, Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum said, “The world will little not nor long remember what I said here, or me either for that matter.” The Blower wonders, What in the hell is the difference between suspending your campaign and just plain quitting. The Fat Lady has been done singing for weeks.
- Racial Healing Fans were still upset after one of CNN’s reporters said “Nigger” on live TV for the second time in three weeks. Don’t they know you’re never supposed to use the words a person actually uses when you quote them?
- Did Poll Workers on Primary Day in Washington, DC really offer Obama’s Attorney General Eric H. Holder’s ballot to a complete stranger to vote? Other voting locations in DC offered to sign the ballots registration for applicants. But how could that be? Eric Holder has said multiple times that there exists “no evidence of Voter Fraud.”
BTW, speaking of local DemocRAT Voter Fraud Watchers, how’s Judge Mr$ $tan Che$ley coming on her case where Disgruntled DemocRAT Tracie Hunter tried to steal Judge John Williams’ Juvenile Court seat that he won fair and square in November 2010, two years ago?
In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says everybody’s waiting for that big meeting of the Ohio RINO Party Central Committee on Friday the 13th, when Former Resigned-in-Disgrace RINO Party Boss Boob Bennett takes back the reins from his political protégé, Currently Resigning-in-Disgrace RINO Party Boss Kevin DeWhine. Will anybody be counting the weasel words in that speech?
- And speaking of useless speeches, Award-Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception was wondering if Da Mayor was rehearsing his “State of Da City Address”:
- And of course, Dainty DemocRAT Cincinnati Mayor Mark Mallory’s second-to-last annual political puffery known as his “State of the City Address” will no doubt have local bloggers all atwitter, but The Blower’s sure it won’t include the following item:
The Cincinnati City Mess You’ll Only Read About Here
Cincinnati’s useless-and-ignorant police chief, James Craig, a legal resident of California, attended an anti-violence meeting at Avondale New Friendship Baptist Church this past Wednesday evening. Craig wore a shirt that had the collar tips curling upward. Speaking in his usual Ebonics, Craig addressed the audience in a rambling manner, signifying nothing.
Even the black members of the audience were commenting that Craig seemed really vague and confused. That’s nothing new; Craig is always vague and confused. No wonder he’s avoiding taking that police test like the plague.
The University of Cincinnati “OLLI” program for senior citizens is again trying to victimize its own clientele by sending out e-mails telling the elderly they can attend a wine-and-cheese gathering at the UC Blue Ash branch only if they pay $9 for a black jazz concert which no one wants to attend.
This OLLI program, which is funded by yearly grants from the estate of a generous California millionaire, offers senior citizens various classes for a reasonable fee. But the program never tells those in charge what to do with all the incoming money. All the classes are taught by volunteers. Lazy OLLI Director Fred Bassett draws a hefty salary while he sits on his fat ass all day popping bonbons into his mouth while leering at females walking by his window.
During the Failed CP$ Bored of Edumacashun meeting, Failed CFT “president” Julie Mubarak SellYourSoul ripped a new one into Bored members regarding the impending teacher cuts. While she nailed the points… once again…she was at the boat dock when her plane took off. Where was SellYourSoul during contract negotiations? Where was SellYourSoul during Happy Hour? We know where she was! The Central Parkway Frisch’s!
After the bored meeting, various volunteers assisted in carrying out additional bags of money to Superintendent Ronan’s over-taxed payer funded Lexus SUV.
- Republicans for Higher Taxes proudly endorse the Sales Tax increase for the “Arts” that some civic leaders are pushing. Their motto is “You need to tighten your belt, so the government doesn’t have to tighten theirs.” And with high unemployment and tight household budgets, what could be better than a tax increase for more publicly-funded arts projects?
- Hurley the Historian says on this day in 1814, Napoleon Bonaparte was banished to the Mediterranean island of Elba. Napoleon’s exile lasted only nine months, a considerably shorter period than our Alex T. Mall Cop GOP has been wandering in the wilderness after presiding over the “Bluing of Hamilton County” in 2008. Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Napoleon’s, “Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.”
In Anderson, that “Giant Snoring Sound” you hear coming from the Government Center tonight won’t be an evening test of the warning system. It’ll just be all that excitement at this month’s Anderson Republican GOP Meeting.
- Meanwhile, our Anderson Tea Partiers can hardly wait for that big “Tax Day 2012 – We Demand a Balanced Budget Amendment” rally, back where it all began on Fountain Square in Cincinnati on Sunday, April 15 from 3–5 PM. The “We Demand a Balanced Budget” theme is just one of those Conservative Feel Good Things. It’s not really going anywhere. And there’s no need to stay home to work on your taxes this April 15, since this year you don’t have to file them until the April 17.
Tomorrow, of course, is “Tax Freedom Day” in Ohio. That means you’ll need more than three months of your hard-earned wages just to pay your taxes this year. Americans will spend an average of 29% of their income on federal, state, and local taxes in 2012. That’s more than the average family spends on food, clothing, and housing.
- Typical Cincinnati Reds Rooter Farley Fairweather says his hopes for the 2012 Reds fell to earth with a thud Monday night, when Homer “This Is Really My Year” Bailey got two St. Louis Cardinal batters out before giving up the first of his three first-inning home runs of his first game of the season. Is there a pitcher with a more appropriate first name than “Homer” Bailey? And is this already the “Next Year” we’ve waiting for?
Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says every Spring when they play the Masters Golf Tournament, Liberals become outraged because the Augusta National Golf Club doesn’t allow women to be members. “Why not?” FurBall asks. “Women can play golf with the men. Sure, men can drive a ball farther, but women could always lick ‘em on the putts.”
Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Charles Foster Kane about the Political Correctness Running Amok this Spring, what with Lesbian Golfers outraged when they can’t join all-male country clubs in Georgia and TV networks using the dreaded “N-Word” during the Trayvon-ization of America.”
“It’s just like what I told those political consultants at my bribe lunch today,” Kane explained. “The Blower always tries to speak honestly and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid speaking about due to their sensitivity or embarrassing nature. And that’s why we always call a spade a spade.”
Bluegrass Bible-thumpers
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says on Sunday, Boondoggle County Judge Defective Once Moore was licking his chops over opportunities to worship/meet voters at three separate locations.
The day started off with Sunrise service at Calvary Baptist Church in Covington at 6:30 AM.
After a breakfast and a photo shoot with the Easter Bunny at First Watch in Crestview Hills, it was off to his favorite campaign stop, Florence Baptist Church.
After brunch at the Hilton and two Mai-tais, it was off to 7 Hills Non-denominational Church. They had multiple services today, so he stuck around for three services. Did he really join all three churches as a new parishioner member? Word is next week he plans to attend St. Josephs in Cold Springs, Williamstown Christian, Walton Baptist, and Holy Saints in Ashland, KY.
- Today there are only 41 days until the Primary Elections in Kentucky, for all those candidates running for Goof Doofus’ seat in Congress. Speaking of The Goofster, since Congress has still not made our tax forms easier to understand, each of his H&R Doofus offices will be open every night and on weekends to help his constituents do their income taxes before Tax Day on April 17.
In other Congressional Candidate News, the CamBoozler says the Truant Officer in Frankfort was looking for our Trooper Babe last week, when he learned State Rep-tile Webb-Edgington had only missed 58 votes during the final and most critical days of the Kentucky legislative session to pursue fundraising opportunities for her Congressional Campaign in Washington D.C. and in Shelbyville, KY. Included among the missed votes was the one on the Kentucky Budget which was heard the evening of Friday March 30.
- Finally, the Cabal of NoKY Lawyers out to Destroy Eric “Call Me” Deters is counting down the days until “Crazy Eric” finishes his Bluegrass Bar Association suspension on April 24. Ironically, that’s only one day before this year’s Secretary’s Day celebration.
The Whistleblower is Now Accepting Applications for Summer Interns
Applications for Whistleblower’s Internship Program are now being accepted for the summer term which runs June 4 through August 24. Deadline is Friday, May 25. Applicants must either be tri-state residents attending an accredited college or university in or outside of Ohio or Kentucky. Applicants must also have completed a full academic year by the end of the internship.
Participants are expected to commit to a minimum of 20 hours per week of program-related work over the internship.
Applicants must also submit a 1,000-word-or-less essay on “Why it’s OK to Make Fun of Politicians.”
Applications can also be submitted for the fall term: August 29– November 15, 2012.
(No Skanky Ben-Gals Need Apply)
e-mail your excellent essays today.
Some educationally enriching items in today’s Blower were sent in by our educationally enriching subscribers.
NewsBusted 4/10/12
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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