One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Remove All Hoods and Sunglasses Before Entering
With only “221” more days until the Presidential Elections, Liberal exploitation of the Trayvon Martin Murder Case continues because despite round-the-clock media coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida, Whistleblower Pollster Ron Rasmussen says most Americans haven’t come to a conclusion yet whether it’s a case of murder or self-defense.
Black DemocRAT Congressman Bobby Rush lost his right to speak on the House floor after he violated rules by putting on a hoodie and sunglasses. He couldn’t even walk into a PNC Bank dressed like that.
And more Liberal Lunacy: what about that New Orleans police officer who was forced to resign after his chief read his Facebook comments (Which was so good, Mr. Whistle is repeating it at the top of the page).
And then there’s Spike Lee, who Twitted to 240,000 other black loonies the home address of George Zimmerman so they all peaceably assembly in Zimmerman’s front yard. The only problem was, that address was the home of a 70-year old Florida couple who had no connection to the George Zimmerman Spike was calling a murderer, without any evidence. And now, that couple has had to flee and Spike says, “It’s not my fault and I refuse to apologize.”
And don’t leave out the new Black Panther Party’s poster offering $2 million bounty for George Zimmerman’s death. Attorney General Holder says “What’s wrong with that?”
No wonder our Quote for Today Committee says all those stupid sayings you see on Hoodies don’t count.
And if Trayvon Martin doesn’t rise from the grave on Easter Sunday, all those Kneepad Liberals in the Press wearing Hoodies will have failed, since yesterday’s Blower asked why Obama Supporters in the Press Wearing Hoodies ignored former NAACP leader C.L. Bryant, when he accused Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton of “exploiting” the Trayvon Martin tragedy to “racially divide this country.” Maybe their policy is, “If you’re Black we got your back.”
No wonder Form-Fitting Fashion Fan Tino Delgato says Girly Mayor Mark Mallory’s sympathetic Hoodie look was touching for a yoof killed 1,000 miles away in Florida. But he did one thing wrong. He wore the Hoodie backwards. Next time he should hide his face. We’re all still recovering from his embarrassing antics on Opening Day and “Undercover Boss.” Go Figure!!!
Meanwhile, the Obama Re-election Campaign at the White House announced and subsequently canceled a sale of collegiate hooded sweatshirts after eliciting the ire of many conservatives, including the Whistleblower-Newswire.
RINO Roundup
What was the biggest buzz at Wednesday night’s big Hamilton County RINO Party “Lincoln and Reagan Are Turning Over in Their Graves Because of What We’ve Done to Their Party” Dinner?
Was everybody wondering who would lead the Pledge of Allegiance, now that Congresswoman “Mean Jean” Schmidt had been surprisingly defeated?
Were party hacks speculating about the identity of that high-ranking member of “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s campaign pulled over on Election Night by the Newtown Police Department and given a warning for DUI?
Or maybe all those politicians and elected officials were asking who’d be misquoting them at The Fishwrap, now that long-time Political Reporter Howard Wilkinson was in that group of Bought Out Fishwrappers The Blower predicted would be announced this week.
Hurley the Historian says this date in 1973, the last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam as Hanoi freed the remaining American prisoners of war held in North Vietnam, and America’s direct eight-year intervention in the Vietnam War was at an end. Can’t you just imagine if Obama had been in charge?
From the Great White North
Notaxjack says I sat through two hours of teachers’ complaining at the Springboro school board meeting Tuesday night. One teacher got up while a board member was speaking and yelled at the board member. Then he helped his wife pick up the huge diamond on her left hand and they both left the nearly filled auditorium.
It was in a hornet’s nest of ugly teachers. The one to my right had a diamond ring almost as big as her ass. Then there were two sitting right behind me. They were so fat, when they both clapped for their union buddies’ speeches, their feet hit my seat, and they both farted each time. It was a mess, I’ll tell ya.
Then when I clapped for my friends on the board, they all turned on me at once. They repeatedly ask if I lived in the district. I told them I lived here for over 40 years. When I stood up and told them to keep their comments to themselves, they told me that this was still a free country and they could say anything they wanted. That’s when I told them to shut up.
Boy if they just knew who I was, they would have lynched me. I’m the person who started six years ago making signs in my garage against the school levies in Springboro. I went door-to-door with signs and it caught on like wild fire. Each levy saved the over-taxed payers here $5 million and we’ve defeated five in a row. Now with a 9.2 mill levy about to expire the board has to find ways to make up for the lost cash. There ain’t going to be a new replacement levy. I have helped all three new board members get elected and they not one of them will support a levy. I say fire all the ugly teachers and hire hot babes like the super in Mason did so the high school boys can get hands on sex education.
The Cincinnati City Mess You’ll Only Read About Here
Hype put out by the city praised the alleged virtues of the useless Cincinnati police chief James Craig when he was police chief in Portland, Maine. The city spin machine said he was popular and respected in Portland. Not true.
Here’s the real reason he became chief in Portland.
During the 1990s, Portland, a town with a population of 64,000, was inundated with a large influx of immigrants from Sudan, that strife-ridden country in eastern Africa. Three thousand or more Sudanese settled in Portland. A 26 year-old Sudanese man was killed by the Portland police, with two officers firing at him. The Sudanese community was in an uproar over this and another Sudanese death. Civil unrest was a real possibility, and the Portland politicians wanted to avoid any eventuality.
The Portland city government wanted to stop immigrant anger at the police department and decided it would be a politically correct move to hire a black police chief.
Craig wasn’t chosen in 2009 in Portland because he was a great police leader. He was chosen because he was black. That’s the same reason he was chosen in 2011 to be the chief here in Cincinnati by Mayor Mallory and his Kentucky butt boy Dough Boy Honey. Craig was chosen to head Cincinnati’s police department because he is black and because he kowtows to the mayor and his butt boy.
Here in Cincinnati, police chief Craig can’t lead, can’t enforce the law, can’t make an arrest, can’t pass the basic test to be certified by the state, can’t vote, doesn’t have an Ohio driver’s license, is living in a rental unit with rented furniture and is a legal resident of the state of California.
And you wonder why all those officials in Portland sent such glowing letters of recommendation— how the hell else were they ever going to get rid of him? If they’d told the truth, they’d still be stuck with his sorry black ass.
- And Conservative Curmudgeon Stu Mahlin sent us over-taxed payer funded Mallory’s e-mail update where he’s claiming Thursday’s City’s job fair is “his?” Garry the Grammarian says if you’re not paying for something, it’s not “yours.” And Mallory says they’re looking for applicants between the ages of 16 and 24. The Blower thought there were regulations against age discrimination.
- Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane Howard Wilkinson’s legacy The Fishwrap.
Kane explained that The Blower had been all set to take Huggable Howard to task for an egregious error in his recent story about Disgraced Ohio RINO Party Boss Kevin DeWine’s imminent replacement, but we gave him a pass for old time’s sake since long-time Persons of Consequence recall “The Wilkinson Watch” in that June 4, 1990 Edition #2 of the original Whistleblower, when we reported:
“No award-winning political column in Sunday’s Enquirer for the third week in a row. In an election year? Rumor has it that Howard Wilkinson is close to walking out. Fed up with Republican blue-penciling of his work from on high, since the Enquirer motto continued to be, “If you can’t say anything nice about county Republicans, don’t say anything at all.”
Two weeks later in Edition #4 on June 18, 1990, we finally had learned to use a scanner, and Howard’s picture was the first ever to appear in a Whistleblower: HOWARD WILKINSON POLITICS: Unnamed captors have released this picture of award-winning Enquirer Political reporter HOWARD WILKINSON so family and friends will know that he is still alive and well. His astute political insight has now not been seen for five weeks. No word yet on possible ransom demands.
Bluegrass Battlers
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says everybody was astounded when our Kentucky-Louisville basketball rivalry got out of hand at a Kentucky dialysis clinic where one patient punched another during an argument about the teams.
According to the KY ComPost, Georgetown police Lt. Robert Swanigan says the altercation began Monday with a verbal exchange between the 68-year-old Kentucky fan and 71-year-old Louisville fan. The men were arguing over who will win when the teams meet in the Final Four on Saturday. Swanigan says the Kentucky fan, who was receiving treatment, flipped off the Louisville fan, whereupon the Cardinals fan punched the UK supporter in the face.
Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall hopes those geezer gladiators don’t both show up at the same sports bar on Saturday.
- Ken CamBoo says a recent poll shows that Tea Party favorite Thomas Massie has a sizeable lead in race to replace Goof Doofus in Kentucky’s May 22 Primary in only 54 more days. Trooper Babe Alecia is, however, within the margin of error of the poll. But Boondoggle Judge Executive Gary Moore is a distant fourth place. How come he’s not last? While interviewing Boondogglers, it seems that both Massie and possibly Trooper Babe could beat Gary in his own county. Trending to that conclusion, we asked each of the new incoming GOP officers in Burlington whom they personally support in this race. Surprisingly ALL five officers support Massie. Now that could be a “Tell Tale” sign that this race could leave Moore with a lot of egg on his face. “Fried or scrabbled, Sir”? Talk about Embarrassing?!
- Our Vanilla Hills Vigilante says “Listen. Do you hear that?” NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKA-BOOOOOOM!!! That was the sound of Vanilla Hills Miscreant Mayor Mike “the kamikaze” Martin pushing the throttle full forward and nose diving the City straight into the ground, exploding it in a colossal fireball. For all you pinheads who voted for Martin (whether you are now willing to admit it or not) and are scratching your asses wondering just what the hell happened, take a look at Channel 9 News report on Martin’s latest disaster.
- Finally, last week Lovely Lisa Wells, who’s getting paid by WLW Hate Radio for doing the program “Crazy Eric” Deters was doing for free, told us there were a couple of upcoming indictments Blower readers might be interested in. Shoot the news to us, Lisa, as soon as you get it.
More Proud Sponsors and Avid Fans
Today’s edition is brought to you by a generous “in-kind” donation during our March fund-raising drive by the Deveroes, featuring Hoodies and Sunglasses for your next urban outing.
e-mail your Liberal Lunacy today.
Some Liberal Lunatic items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Liberal Lunatic subscribers.
Link of the Day
Congressman Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) breaks House rules by donning a hoodie
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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