One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
A Roomful of RINOs
Tonight it’s the big Hamilton County RINO Party “Lincoln and Reagan Are Turning Over in Their Graves Because of What We’ve Done to Their Party” Dinner, and Real Republicans hereabouts are checking their in-boxes for another Daily Desperate Diatribe from former Kerry-Edwards operative Ashwin Corattiyil (pronounced “Ashwin”) imploring them to pony up $150-per-couple to hear the same Karl Rove blather they can get for free on Fox News.
It used to be called the “Annual Lincoln-Reagan-Che$ley Day Dinner,” back when $tan was buying all those Republican elected officials. But the avaricious attorney’s acquisitions have slowed down ever since fighting his disbarment in Kentucky started taking up so much of his time and his filthy lucre.
So does The Blower intend to cover the event? You bet! As the publication of record for all the political scrambling, speculation, mud-slinging, political skullduggery, and back-stabbing in Southwestern Ohio, our readers know to expect nothing less.
- And at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about the timing of tonight’s Hamilton County RINO Party “Lincoln and Reagan Are Turning Over in Their Graves Because of What We’ve Done to Their Party” Dinner.
“They certainly would’ve sold more tickets if they’d scheduled the event before the March 6 primary and one of the Presidential Candidates had been the featured speaker,” Kane explained. “Now they have to settle for a Bushie like Karl Rove. He calls himself ‘the greatest political mind of his generation and probably of any generation…’ ”
“Do you think Rove will be there selling his book?” someone asked.
Where’s Mean Jean?
In a related story, many people are wondering if “Mean Jean” Schmidt will be showing up at all those upcoming Lincoln Day Dinners in her District. But if she’s not, we’re certain that her news flack and spokesman Barrett Brunsman will be busy answering inquiries about the new lawsuit Chris Finney and Curt Hartman filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio against the Federal Elections Commission seeking more documents regarding Mean Jean and her connection to the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund. The new lawsuit, Case No. 1:12:-cv-242 was filed March 26 and assigned to who else but Judge Mr$. $tan Che$ley, and seeks documents they claim the FEC is refusing to provide to them related to correspondence submitted by Mean Jean’s fundraiser Phil Greenberg during his efforts to defend her from the last lawsuit Hartman and Finney filed against Mean Jean. Not surprisingly, among other things, the lawsuit seeks to have the government pay Finney and Hartman more big time legal fees. Are these guys looking out for us over-taxed payers or what?
- Republicans for Higher Taxes in their latest post discuss Mean Jean Schmidt’s sudden decision to drop her frivolous $6.8 million lawsuit against David Kevorkian. They inadvertently summed up the issue perfectly in their second sentence when they wrote, “Schmidt filed this lawsuit because Kevorkian said something mean about her in the 2008 elections.”
“Mean Jean” always has to make a spectacle of herself. It can include acts such as making out with Obama at the State of the Union when every other Congressman settles for shaking his hand in a dignified manner. Or in this case, it’s filing an outrageous lawsuit because someone criticized her in the 2008 elections rather than simply being satisfied with her win, a decision which led to accepting $500,000 of illegal gifts from foreign interests and launched the ethical scandal that finally brought her down. After all that, the day Schmidt became a lame duck Congressman is the day the Turks abandoned her. Not surprisingly, even Mean Jean could see how frivolous this lawsuit was as soon as she nobody else was paying her legal bills for her.
- Meanwhile, The Blower is still waiting for a press release from “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s Press Office explaining the latest Intel from those Dirt Digging DemocRATS about the high-ranking member of “Bronze Star Brad’s” campaign pulled over on Election Night by the Newtown Police Department and given a warning for DUI. But why should anybody assume that the dirt was dug up by a DemocRAT?
Meanwhile From Columbus
Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says another e-mail everybody was waiting for yesterday was the one from Ohio Republican Attorney General Mike DeWhine, reporting at over-taxed payer expense from the U.S. Supreme Court about the latest on the Obamacare hearings at the U.S. Supreme Court: “Monday’s arguments dealt with whether the case was ready to be decided, which we believe it is. Judging by the questions that the justices asked, it would appear they believe that, as well. Tuesday, the Court was scheduled to hear arguments on the most contentious issue — the constitutionality of the individual mandate. We do not expect a decision until June. I will keep you updated as things progress.”
Curiously, although the e-mail was paid for by DeWhiner’s campaign committee, DeWhine’s Update on the Obamacare Lawsuit did not contain the customary request for donations (like we saw yesterday). Do you think it was an oversight?
- Gerry Manders also says Mike’s cousin Kevin is counting the days until next month’s Friday the 13th meeting of the Ohio GOP Central Committee to see where he might be working on April 14th.
More Big Liberal Media Hype
This week’s we’re is still exploiting the Trayvon Martin Murder Case. Was Obama just playing the Race Card when he said “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon?” With only “222” more days until the Presidential Elections, the Obama Re-election Campaign at the White House is now selling Obama hoodies for $46.85 (plus God knows how much for shipping and handling).
Was 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich just playing politics when he said the president should have empathy for all families — not just black families — who lose a child?
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose what Newt said during an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “Every single American of every background is endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, the pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We should be concerned about any young American of any background who ends up getting killed.”
Why did Obama Supporters in the Press Wearing Hoodies ignore former NAACP leader C.L. Bryant, when he accused Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton of “exploiting” the Trayvon Martin tragedy to “racially divide this country.”
When will DemocRAT House members be bringing Trayvon’s parents to Capitol Hill?
What if the minority guy who shot Trayvon Martin was a Registered DemocRAT?
Why did Trayvon’s mother trademark her son’s name to cash in on the hype?
Would The Fishwrap be trying to sell photos from the Trayvon Martin rally on Fountain Square they also helped to promote?
And why did Cincinnati Girly Mayor Mark Mallory post a picture of himself in a hoodie on his Facebook page? (Below the picture, it says, “I am Trayvon Martin!”)
- Speaking of our Girly Mayor, who’s paying for his latest trip to the White House with these so-called business leaders? Why isn’t Liz Rogers on this list? She got $1 million for a soul food restaurant. $1 million seems like big business to us. Since when did some of those Liberal Leeches become big business?
- Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1979, the worst accident in the history of the U.S. nuclear power industry began when a pressure valve in the Unit-2 reactor at Three Mile Island failed to close. Now there’s an event we think our Kneepad Liberals in the Press might remember.
The Cincinnati City Mess You Will Only Read Here
Last Friday, we told you the useless Cincinnati police chief, James Craig, the one who can’t make arrests or uphold Ohio law, also can’t vote because he hasn’t registered here. We know why. Craig’s legal residence is still in California. Guess he was no really sure those people in Portland Maine were serious about keeping him there.
Craig’s wife Mary doesn’t live in Cincinnati. She owns a business based in Culver City, California, a big home health care concern called Gentle Care, Inc. It encompasses a large geographic area covering Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties. Mary has no intention of ever moving to Cincinnati. She didn’t bother to go with him to his last job in Portland, Maine, either.
James Craig doesn’t have an Ohio driver’s license. You guessed it, he still has a California driver’s license. He hasn’t been employed in California since early 2009, and he probably couldn’t pass the Ohio driver’s license test, just like he can’t pass the state police certification test. He apparently has no interest in getting an Ohio driver’s license.
Useless chief Craig grabs our money, but he continually gives all of us The Finger, showing his utter disdain by not being certified as an Ohio police officer, not registering to vote in this jurisdiction, and not even bothering to have an Ohio driver’s license. He’s an insult to the 1,057 personnel who serve under him and an insult to the citizens of Cincinnati.
When he was sworn in Craig said, “Cincinnati, I won’t let you down.” He’s let us down from the first day.
- Our reader Jeremy responds to the piece about Cincinnati Bell: “Brett was absolutely right. Cincinnati Bell is pushing fiber optics as the big new money maker. If you get their FO Cable TV, it breaks down with regularity. The techs from the Philippines, which are all you can reach, won’t schedule service for at least 4-7 days, so have no TV, internet or wired phone service during that time. Their repair service and dispatch service are totally closed down on the weekends. My advice is stay away from Cincinnati Bell. Period.”
There are 296,482 stories in the Queen City. This has been another of them.
- Finally, Winton Woods superintendent has announced her wishes to outsource custodial services to save money. Immediately, failed CFT “president” Julie SellYourSoul e-mailed her teachers asking them to attend a Winton Woods school board meeting to protest the recommendations of the Winton Woods superintendent. What doesn’t SellYourSoul understand about the CFT teachers? One: teachers are all on spring break. Two: teachers don’t give a rat’s patootie about no damn protest. Three: any message from SellYourSoul should be considered comedy.
Bluegrass Battles
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo wonders with only 55 more days until that all-important Bluegrass Primary Election, when we start seeing any of those surviving Republican Presidential Candidates in Northern Kentucky? For that matter, we could stand a little activity from all those people running for Goof Doofus’ seat in Congress.
- Meanwhile, Moises, Julio, Alfredo, and Jose say it looks like Obama has escalated the rhetoric against the Hispanic Community, now that the new Black Panther Party has offered to confiscate $2 million dollars from the black community and offer a $1 million reward for anyone who assassinates the Hispanic man who shot and killed an African American teenager in Florida over a month ago.
And with all the talk in the Republican corner of Mark O Rubio being the choice for VP can we expect to see him on Fox News asking Hispanics who want to be Americans to protest Obama’s and Eric Holder’s decision to execute an innocent Hispanic for defending his property.
- Ken said he wonders if a month from now Obama will report the killing of a white student this weekend at Mississippi State University in which surveillance cameras identified three black yoofs running away from the scene. Ken also wonders when Obama will finally realized that he needs the white vote to win in November. And if he turns against the black community, just like he just did against the Hispanics, the only voters he’ll have left are the Eskimos.
- The Blower continues to look for a story of all the black yoof shot last weekend in the South Side of Chicago but not yet reported in the few pages that remain in the paper previously known as The Fishwrap. Ken said in Chicago these are not reported as murders. They’re called Mercy Killings, as in “Mercy, he was trying to take my drug profits.”
- Ken CamBoo says it looks like the Kentucky House and Senate have figured a way to eliminate the $32 Billion unfunded Kentucky Retirement System. Ken said one of the laws passed by the House and Senate provides that all POW/ MIA flags flown in Kentucky must be made in America. Ken said now if we can only get our Congressman and Senators in Washington to get Obama to build that pipeline, we could wipe out our National Debt and start giving goodies away.
- In a related story, it looks like Obama has finally convinced black Americans to get a job. Ken said by Election Day, every black man and woman will have a job protesting something that they do not like or demanding something for free that they’re not already getting.
e-mail your testy texts tonight.
Some Republican Praising items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Republican Praising subscribers.
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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