Saturday, March 24, 2012
Obama’s Hall of Blame
With only “226” more days until the Presidential Elections in November, Obama’s still using all that jet fuel to fly around the country on Air Force One campaigning over-taxed payers expense so he can claim those $4-per-gallon gasoline prices are “not his fault.”
- Meanwhile, Newt Gingrich continues to keep Obama on defense over energy policy. The issue is not going away, and during his damage control tour this week, he’s done a rhetorical 180 on drilling for oil and Keystone XL, both of which he now says he’s eager to facilitate—even though his destructive policies haven’t changed.
- And in another energy-related item, let’s now forget to mention how Obama takes credit, then shifts blame on Solyndra.
- At the same time, in the 2012 GOP Presidential Primary Campaign, political insiders say Rick Santorum may need a “Sanitarium” after he said we might as well have Obama over Romney.
In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders wonders if the date scheduled next month for the Ohio Republican Party to banish Disgraced Party Boss Kevin DeWhine is really Friday the Thirteenth? How would that be for an omen?
- Whistleblower Senior Spoiled Sports Editor Andy FurBall says Pete Rose Betting Tips were accurate once again, because if you only had UC plus 14 points against Ohio State in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Thursday night, you still lost.
- Disingenuous DemocRAT U.S. Senator says he’s “Fighting for Cincinnati,” when he called on John Boehner and the Republicans in the House to pass the Senate-approved transportation jobs bill (blah, blah, blah), which would provide critical funds for the repairs of Brent Spence Bridge (yada, yada, yada). At least that’s what Sherrod’s over-taxed payer funded e-mail newsletter says.
Meanwhile, That Lame-Duck Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt won’t commit to revealing her job negotiations with lobbyists. At least that’s some of the bloggers are saying.
And speaking of stories The Fishwrap has spun for “Mean Jean,” did you see where they reported that she dropped her $6.8 million defamation lawsuit against David Kervorkian on Thursday because “it was time to move on?” OMG! How will COAST’s Mercenary Attorney Chris Finney ever get his name in the newspaper again?
In a related item, “Mean Jean’s” News Flack Barrett Brunsman says he wishes he could keep his boss’ name out of the news as successfully as her opponent Bronze Star Brad Wenstrup’s Press Office has done ever since his surprise win on March 6.
And down at Brunsman’s alma mater, Metro Mole says both the sports editor and deputy sports editor have resigned. NOBODY can stand Wedgie Washburn, as her slaves call her. Nobody! Soon another score of lucky ones will be gone via buyouts. Quality will not decline — how the hell could it?
Today at the Sharonville Fire House, the Alex T. Mall Cop GOP’s Hamilton County RINO Party is holding campaign training seminar for candidates, staff, volunteers, and all those interested to learn techniques for running successful campaigns this fall. But The Blower wants to know: who at “Old Blueface’s” Hamilton County RINO Party knows the first thing about running a successful campaign?
- And Hurley the Historian remembers on this date in 1958, Elvis Presley was inducted into the U.S. Army. Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today Committee chose Elvis’ “The army teaches boys to think like men.” The Blower remembers all the hype that story got back then. Can you imagine what it would be like today?
The “Road to Repeal Obamacare Rally” will take place on Saturday afternoon. The Blower wonders how many local Patriots were on the Eastern Hills Tea Party’s bus that left Friday night from the Montgomery area
- Award Winning Photo Illustrator Artis Conception says with all you read about how Failed Cincinnati Schools Superintendent Mary Ronan was immediately rehired the moment she “retired” these days, The Blower is surprised our Kneepad Liberals in the Press haven’t followed up on recent allegations of cheating at Taft High School, especially after The CityBleat article “Miracle or Mirage,” (Feb. 27) provided convincing evidence that the Taft “stellar” student performance on the Ohio Graduation Tests was due to erasures and the lack of due diligence to investigate the matter by the Ohio Department of Education. [READ IT HERE]
In Anderson, “In Russ We Trust” Jackson says Township Trustees changed the time of their monthly meetings to 5:30 PM (starting in April) so residents can demand the resignation of Disgraced Trustee Kevin O’Brien and still get home at a decent time for dinner.
- Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane about how $4-per-gallon gasoline prices might enough to bring down Obama in November. “The media just can’t stop hyping those high gasoline prices these days,” Kane explained. “I remember 1980, when the feisty Mt. Washington Press published our “Weekly Area Gasoline Price Index” as a public service. Those days people were outraged when self service prices were $1.10 per gallon.”
The Cincinnati City Mess You’ll Only Read About in The Blower
Part I: The Useless Police Chief Craig: Cincinnati’s useless police chief, James Craig, the one with the sore testicle, is a guy who thinks he is so important he doesn’t have to do what the rest of us do. We’ve reported how he’s desperately trying to get out of taking the state police certification exam, which he is too dumb to pass. Now, we have information Craig hasn’t bothered to register to vote in the jurisdiction he’s sworn to serve. Craig is not registered to vote in Hamilton County. He can’t be bothered.
Previously, he was the police chief in Portland, Maine. He didn’t bother to register to vote in that jurisdiction, either.
Part II: The Drifter Development Director Odis Jones: It seems the drifter Odis Jones, 40, has a bit of trouble giving correct information in order to get a new job. He has said he has a “real estate certification” from Harvard University. The trouble is, Harvard University doesn’t agree with that. They’ve never even had him listed in their comprehensive computer registration system. Nada, zilch. Secondly, Harvard says they don’t even give real estate certifications and never have.
Next, Odis lists on his resume as being the “special projects manager for the city manager of Battle Creek, Michigan for five years”. Again, not true. Odis worked for Battle Creek first as a mere intern, starting August 4, 1998. His affiliation with the city of Battle Creek in any capacity ended on January 13, 2000. He was there a little over sixteen months. Hey, Odis, sixteen months is not five years, if you can count.
Third, Odis lists on his resume he was city manager of Keokuk, Iowa “2007-2008”, which makes it appear he was there one to two years. Again, not true. He worked there for just four months and he just about bankrupted that city in those four months, along with the good possibility of sexual harassment lawsuits looming. The first week he was there, he announced he was going to build a new safety building, a project not approved by anyone.
As recently as the four months ago, Odis stated he is a member of the “American Planning Association.” The fact is, he hasn’t been a member of that Association since the year 2004.
Also as recently as a few months ago, Jones states he is a member of “The International Council of Shopping Centers”. The truth is, he let his membership lapse in 2010 and he isn’t a member at all.
Odis, do you make the candy called fudge? We thought maybe you do, since you’re so adept at fudging facts.
Bluegrass Booze and Bravos
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says it appears Obama has alienated another group of voters with his decision to send Eric Holder and his goons after a poor Hispanic just trying to defend his neighborhood. Ken said it appears that Holder and Obama want to exempt blacks from the Florida law that allows people to kill someone if they feel threatened.
- In other news, on the South Side of Chicago, 40 some blacks killed each other in gang related incidents last weekend and not a word was uttered by either Obama or Holder. Ken wonders if the deceased were registered Republicans.
- Ken CamBoo said he is waiting for the VFW Posts throughout America to lead a protest to insist that if we are going to charge Sergeant Bales with 17 counts of murder with the killing of Afghans last week, should we not first hold the trial of the Muslim slime who killed our troops at Ft. Hood in Texas several years ago? Obama and Holder want to clear that murdering Muslim because he suffered from PTSD after listening to stories from troops who actually served in combat.
- Meanwhile, Obama Supporters in the Press are all going after that CNN reporter who dared to use the “N-word” on live TV.
- Finally, the CamBoozler says the reason his section is so short today is because he had to let his staff leave early, so they could all get good bar stools to watch UK try to succeed where UC failed at the NCAA Basketball tournament Friday night.
e-mail your pitiful excuses today.
Some buck-passing items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally buck-passing subscribers, but we could always use more.
Link of the Day
Obama To Heckler: “Show Me Some Courtesy”
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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