One of the best parts about publishing The Whistleblower Newswire is checking our e-mail first thing each morning to see some of those politically insightful items we’ve received from our equally politically insightful subscribers. Our readers’ comments are extremely helpful for our analysis and interpretation of today’s important top stories.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Happy Springtime, Everybody!
Or so they say. No wonder our Quote for Today Committee chose Mark Twain’s “In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.”
- And with travel restrictions to Mexico still in effect, where else would Obama’s teen-age daughter Malia be spending her Spring Break? In Mexico, of course. But not to worry. Malia Obama and her friend are being guarded by 25 U.S. Secret Service agents as well as Mexican police, courtesy of We the Over-Taxed Payers.
- In another Hypocrisy Update, according to The Daily Caller, with only “229” more days until the November Elections, Obama is now on a 5,000-mile, four-state, two-day trip on Air Force One to blame Republicans for high gasoline prices. Flying Wednesday to camera-ready podiums in Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Colorado, he’ll be touting his efforts to reduce the nation’s use of gasoline. Obama’s 5,000-mile trip will consume roughly 25,000 gallons of jet fuel, according to Boeing. That adds up to a fuel bill of $80,000 assuming the Air Force buys jet fuel at the cheapest cost, now estimated at $3.20 a gallon by the U.S. Energy Administration. The retail price for jet-fuel at local airports is just over $6 a gallon, including taxes. [READ MORE HERE]
- Can everyone really be that STUPID? Channel 5 News Tuesday morning reported: The Failed Cincinnati Public Schools Board took BOLD moves as Mary Ronan took a 50% cut in pay! NO FOOLS, Mary Ronan got one hell of a deal Monday night. She’s retiring and collecting a salary of $180,000 from the State Teachers Retirement System. Add to that, her new FCPS salary of $100,000 and she got herself quite a raise. They really do think the public are fools. Let’s all vote for another levy!
Speaking of Fools in Schools, we’re not sure if that covered-up Erasure-Gate Scandal at Taft High School was even discussed.
- In a related item, our reader Brett tells us: “Cincinnati Bell is promoting their fiber optics service, touting faster computer response and their own brand of cable TV and DVR.
“From my personal experience, I’d say don’t bother. Their installers are surly, spend hours in your house making the connection and in my case, they really didn’t connect anything to the system at all, then lied about it. My computer is slower than before the switch over. If you have trouble, the only person you can talk to is in an uncaring person is Asia who calls himself Abraham Lincoln and tells you ‘from my end, everything is fine.’ They won’t send anyone out for a cable problem sooner than four days after you report it.”
Mayor Mallory’s deadbeat cousin, Liz Rogers, 42, co-owner of Mahogany restaurant, was due in Butler County court last Friday for a judgment debtor hearing with plaintiff creditor Queen City Computer Press after she refused to pay $3,000 in a court-ordered judgment to the firm which designed a web site for another of her defunct businesses, this one called Brooklyn Spa.
Rogers, the deadbeat queen, once again couldn’t be bothered to drag her black ass to court, instead assigning the $3,100 bail bond her equally deadbeat husband put up last week over to Queen City Computer Press.
If it hadn’t been for Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones enforcing the bench warrant against Rogers, that debt may have never been paid and Rogers might have been doing some cooking in the Butler County hoosegow.
- Ragamuffin Occupier Protesters were back in Piatt Park at 4:30 AM on Tuesday exercising their right to stay up all night and be completely ignored by everybody else in the City, except for those useful idiots in the press helping to promote their cause, whatever in hell that is. With the way the City caved in to their demands, The Blower is surprised they didn’t each receive $1 million of White Peoples’ Money to open a soul food restaurant at The Banks.
- But they’ve certainly had nice weather to stay out all night. In today’s Perverts in the Park Update, it was so nice on Tuesday, Freddie the Fondler says, “It felt so good out, I left it out.” Our Disingenuous DemocRAT Hamilton County Auditor used to say that all the time, too, back in the good old days when he was a Whistleblower Contributor.
And the heck with that old saying: “Hooray, hooray, it’s the first of May. Outdoor screwing begins today!” With this weather, why wait?
- Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1965, Dr. Martin Luther King, along with 3,200 demonstrators, began their historic march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery in the name of African-American voting rights.
- And this just in: a newly created poster featuring our Empty Uppity Oprah Winfrey Campaigning for Obama, Under-funded, Ugly-ass Poorly-Planned Unnagraown Rayroe Museum Not-so-Free-dom Center.
- Now let’s all sing Cincinnati’s New Official Song, to the tune of “Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin’ town.”
Cincinnati, Cincinnati — once a prosperous town
Cincinnati, Cincinnati — it’s so run down. Don’cha hate it?
Bet your bottom dollar you lose all sanity in the ‘Nati, the ‘Nati,
The town Mark Mallory’s workin’ so hard to shake down
Our Vine Street, once a fine street, I just want to say
Will the trolley run there or a few blocks over on Broadway?
Clown-cil will have the time of their life
Hizzonner’ll soon recruit Barney Fife
They’ll fleece Cincinnati ‘n’ make what’s left a ghost town.
In Clermont County, Eric “Keeping Them Honest” Kelso’s GOP Rogue Report continues to expose the corruption and lies buried for years by Tim “The Dudd” Rudd and his cronies. Unfortunately, Kelso is still a little green when it comes to exposing the real charades being perpetrated by Rudd, especially when it comes to honest and open elections.
For example, the Rogue Report fails to discuss the fact that prior to the open meeting where members of the Clermont County Republican Central Committee voted to select a replacement for Archie “The Pipe Layer” Wilson, there was a secret meeting held in a conference room next door. It was there that Rudd, Bob Turner, Larry Heller, Ted Stevinot, Dave Uible, and a few other select leaders of the Clermont County Tea Party (now known as the GOP Central Committee), huddled and persuaded Captain Jack Kuntz to drop out of the race for Clermont County Commissioner. When the real meeting started to select a new Commissioner, Captain Jack stood up and gave this long winded speech about how he came to the realization there was a better candidate so he was throwing his support behind Uible.
Perhaps that realization was the pressure of Rudd and his new found cronies. And here we thought that the Tea Party was created to avoid such back door meetings that so clearly violate Ohio’s Sunshine Laws?
Speaking of Archie the Big Game Hunter, did anyone happen to watch Sunday’s episode of “Harry’s Law,” which is conveniently set in Cincinnati, Ohio? In the ripped-from-the-headlines episode, a public official known as “Choir Boy” liked to preach morals and values carrying around his Bible before he would go into Court and prosecute prostitutes. Funny thing is, the “Choir Boy” was a frequent flyer to a rival escort service himself. Once the sting came to light, the “Choir Boy” was singing a different song. Some are saying at least once former Clermont County Commissioner may have had some trouble watching that episode.
- In other Clermont County News, while “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup’s Press Office may not have found time yet to send out any news releases after his surprise victory over “Mean Jean” Schmidt, we are told he did find time to attend a lunch for Clermont County 20/20. Since Bronze Star ran on a platform of promising to be the most ethical Congressman ever, we are certain he did not improperly accept a ticket to that luncheon from someone that was in excess of the limitations now placed upon him as a party’s nominee for Congress. You can rest assured that despite being dethroned, Mean Jean’s flying monkeys will be scrutinizing every line of every expense report filed by Bronze Star Brad, so don’t let us down.
- Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, when everybody was lying about his plans for BB&BJ Day, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane if he’d heard those rumors that DemocRAT Opposition Researchers were in town looking through old yearbooks at UC to see what kind of damaging information they could uncover about local Conservatives to use in this year’s elections. “I sure hope they weren’t checking on me,” Kane replied, “especially to see if I was pledging the fraternity in 1956 that got kicked off campus for having a 15-year-old housemother.”
Word is, researchers at CFK-TV on Anderson Community Cable are trying to see how many of Kane’s fellow pledges may still be alive, so they can broadcast a re-union show. Too bad it couldn’t have been on BB&BJ Day.
Bluegrass BB&BJ’s
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo yesterday’s Whistleblower BB&BJ Day Celebration was the best ever. Reaction ranged from Laurie’s “Please UN-subscribe me” to Rob’s “BB&BJ day has now replaced Mardi Gras as my favorite holiday.” We hope this year everybody got what he really wanted.
- Not surprisingly, this year The Blower became the Official Publication for BB&BJ Day.
- And it’s not as if The Blower has actually gone overboard with its coverage of that holiday this year, but when the CamBoozler Googled “BB&BJ Day,” the first several items were all from The Whistleblower-Newswire.
On February 3, Google said: “Our Ornery Obama Observer knows that Ground Hog Day came and went …. were still a little more than six more weeks to wait for BB&BJ Day.”
On February 29, Google picked up “The Presidential Elections is now only “250” days away. And our Bill Clinton says “Thank goodness, BB&BJ Day comes every year on March 20 …”
Yesterday, Google recognized the entire “Official BB&BJ Day Edition.”
No wonder, it’s our favorite holiday in the entire year.
- Horny in Hebron wonders if The Blower will now begin a countdown till next year’s BB&BJ Day. OK, let’s go with 364.
- Tom in Pennsylvania was confused about the holiday, saying according to the exclusive report in the Whistleblower, March 20 is the date for BB&BJ Day, but when he read the link about the origination of the holiday, it was March 14.
- So we had to explain: BB&BJ Day is on March 20, but the original holiday was “Steak and BJ Day” for the guys, which was on March 14, exactly one month after Valentine’s Day, which is a holiday for the ladies.
Finally, in honor of yesterday’s vernal equinox, which was also on BB&BJ Day, we have an “Ode to Spring,” by Bunky Tadwell, the Bard of Cleves:
Yesterday was the first day of Spring,
When men thought of only one thing.
Women think it’s odd,
Guys searching for a broad,
Just for an overnight fling.
e-mail your yabbo sighting photos today.
Some Spring Break items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Spring Break Watching subscribers.
BREAKING ELECTION FRAUD: Why Did ABC-TV Post Illinois GOP Primary Results 24 Hours Early?!
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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