Monday, March 19, 2012
Life’s a Beach!
This year for Spring Break, The Blower is working on a list of guys who took their wives and families to the Redneck Riviera, Naples, Destin, or Key Largo, just so they could spend all day on the beach ogling young girls’ breasts. You’ll never guess whose names are on that list.
We asked an aging attorney acquaintance why he always goes down to Naples on Spring Break, and he told us, “Because I can.”
At least this year the Reds’ Spring Training games won’t be a distraction, like they always used to be in Sarasota. But Tri-staters down here on Siesta Key can still keep up on what’s happening in Washington and the ‘Nati by checking out The Blower. And even with only 64 more days till the May 22 Primary Elections in Kentucky, using this internet thingy, we can be anywhere instantly.
- All over Spring Break Land, political junkies will be trying to ignore the latest hype from Washington and the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Nothing is going to change all that much by the time we return next week. Basketball fans afflicted with March Madness were watching the UC and Xavier games on their cell phones Sunday night.
Last night at the Happy Homo Gay Bar in Destin, gay guys were wearing Rick Santorum T-Shirts after his picture was snapped by a passenger on an Atlantis all-gay cruise.
- Whistleblower Alternate Life-styles Contributors Ben Dover and Phil McKrevis say one of the comedians was even telling a Mark Mallory joke.
Even in Florida, they’re still talking about that year Cincinnati’s Dainty DemocRAT Mayor Mark “Throws Like a Sissy” Mallory’s threw the worst Opening Day pitch in baseball history.
In a related item, Political Insiders on the beach were wondering what kind of mud that DemocRAT National Committee Opposition Research Operation is threatening to use to expose prominent Conservatives to use in this year’s elections.
Fortunately, so far the most damaging thing they’re willing to use is this picture from that time Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane appeared in an erotic Chippendales video with a RINO, two Devious DemocRATS, and a Gay Darkie Mayor.
e-mail your yabbo sighting photos today.
Some Spring Break items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally Spring Break Watching subscribers.
Link of the Day
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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