Friday, March 9, 2012
Titanic Top Ten List
Today it’s the Top Ten Reasons “Mean Jean’s” News Flack Barrett Brunsman tried to intimidate Rory Ryan, Publisher & Owner of the Highland County Press:
10. I forgot
9. The dog ate it
8. She told me she loved me
7. I did it to help the homeless
6. The Devil made me do it
5. I just wanted to be loved–is there anything wrong with that?
4. I’m a news flack
3. I was framed
2. This whole thing is just one big terrible mistake
…and the Number One Reason “Mean Jean’s” News Flack Barrett Brunsman tried to intimidate Rory Ryan, Publisher & Owner of the Highland County Press is… Barry Bennett and Joe Jansen running “Mean Jean’s” campaign said nobody would ever find out.
Questions to ask is: Did he call from his official government phone, or was it from his campaign phone? Were over-taxed payers paying for him to try to intimidate a newspaper owner? Would the Ethics Committee have time to investigate this before January?
Morning After Pills
Wednesday, that Defeated Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt sent out an e-mail cancelling her big Schmidt for Congress event scheduled for the Ides of March. Talk about an omen!
Maybe that’s why our Quote for Today chose Leo Durocher’s “Show me a good loser and I’ll show you an idiot.
Also on Wednesday, during his first official interview with The Whistleblower since his election, “Bronze Star Brad” Wenstrup said he planned to spend Thursday morning in surgery and Thursday afternoon listening to his patients, who no doubt would be telling the Ohio Second District’s next Congressman the first thing he should do when he gets to Washington.
- Meanwhile on Thursday, Revered Former Congressman Bob McEwen was at the Immaculate Conception Academy in Norwood, teaching a government class to junior and senior students while regaling the students with tales of Tuesday’s victory in his uncontested Ohio Republican Central Committee Contest.
And Schmidt Apologist since 2005, Joe “I had Nothing to Do With her Crappy Campaign This Year” Braun was extorting money from members of the Bungals, when he was in court representing Sammy Laham, the guy who got beat up by Bungals linebacker Rey Maualuga on Bungals Barfight night last month.
Elsewhere in Ohio’s Second Congressional District, Others Were Discussing Mean Jean’s Downfall:
Among the Lieutenants in General Custer Schmidt’s Last Stand was Blue Ash City Clowncilman Lee Czerwonka. RINO Lee thought it would be a good idea to walk into the Glendale Tea Party event, where the crowd was solidly pro-Wenstrup, and brag about spending the day helping Mean Jean. Lee was complaining that a PAC was involved in getting people to vote against Jean Schmidt. Though as poorly as this tax-and-spend RINO runs Blue Ash, why does he think anyone cares who he thinks would be good in Congress?
- Still a sore loser is the Schmidthead who runs the BizzyBlog. He’s whining that Wenstrup ran a dirty campaign, but won’t explain how. It’s not dirty campaigning to run on the issues and speak out against corruption. Taking $500,000 in illegal gifts to sue a constituent seems more than a little “dirty” to us. One question we still have: How can Tom Blumer pick his nose and cry over Mean Jean’s defeat at the same time?
- Also whining is the Blogging Blob of Brown County Matt Hurley who can’t stand seeing conservative voters and the Tea Party follow The Blower’s lead to defeat his corrupt friend Mean Jean. It’s a good thing he’s allegedly going on a hunger strike in protest (as reported by Republicans for Higher Taxes), because he’s a triple bypass waiting to happen.
- Those who attended the weekly borefest known as the Hamilton County Commission Meeting enjoyed a chance to laugh at Schmidt’s defeat. The first agenda item was a presentation honoring Girl Scout Week, which included a recitation of the Girl Scout Motto (“Be Prepared!”). Then came public speakers. First up was Blue Ash resident Jeff Capell, a Wenstrup supporter, who elicited a laugh from the crowd by saying if Jean Schmidt had followed the Girl Scout motto she’d probably be getting ready for her fifth term in Congress.
In Anderson, Duffy The Schmidt Slayer asked The Blower to publish his public apology to Fred Kundrata. Duffy had suggested to Fred at the Candidates Forum at the Anderson Township Republican Club that Fred drop out of the race since he had no chance of winning. He predicted Mean Jean’s Shill would probably receive 1% of the vote and would just be wasting everyone’s time.
Fred actually received 3% of the vote, so he was off by 2%. The Blower now wishes to express Duffy’s sincerest apology to Fred for underestimating the percentage of the vote that he would receive. However, The Duffmeister was correct in that he did indeed waste everyone’s time, including his own.
In Clermont County, the fearless leader of the Cronies Tim Rudd and the Tea Party Patriots were are all dancing at the demise of Mean Jean and Clermont Portly Prosecutor Don White. Did White really think that voters would forget how he shamelessly attacked former Commissioner Archie Wilson and Tim Rudd last year? And then there is the fact that White crossed party bosses and supported Scott Croswell. Elections have consequences and voters to their everlasting credit and our undying gratitude made sure that next year Mean Jean will be at home watching the State of the Union instead of slobbering all over the President.
Speaking of Archie “the Pipe Layer” Wilson, here he is pictured earlier at a polling place on election day disguised as a dirty old man trying to pick up a floozy. Actually, Archie was wishing workers for his good friend Vince Faris good luck and reminding them to tell the new prosecutor not to pursue any investigations into any of his conduct which may have occurred in Clermont County.
Those who supported Mean Jean and the Portly One in Clermont are all reminding people that in a year they will discover that electing Vince Faris as County Prosecutor will result in hundreds of thousands of dollars of new spending as the Commissioners will be asked to pay Faris a full-time salary and to construct a new Prosecutor’s office. This doesn’t even include the money that will be spent to hire special prosecutors for every case in which one of Vince Faris’ children represents a client in Clermont County. As for Mean Jean, reports are she is not too upset over the loss and is even breathing a huge sigh of relief that she will now not have to pay back all that money she received as a gift from the Turks in her battle against fellow loser DemocRAT David Kevorkian. There are also rumors swirling that Brad Wenstrup plans to hire a prominent Clermont County COAST Attorney as his new chief of staff.
- In Columbus, Buckeye Bureau Chief Gerry Manders says despite spending a gazillion dollars to keep Ohio RINO Party Boss Kevin DeWhine’s stooges on the Ohio Republican Party Central Committee, it appears Real Republicans spoke clearly and elected a majority of members. Do you think Kevin DeWhine’s days are numbered?
- In Washington, our DC NewBreaker says according to Gallup, U.S. Unemployment went up to 9.1% in February from 8.6% in January and 8.5% in December. Underemployment is 19.1%, up from 18.7% in January.
The Blower says “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Give a man a welfare check, a forty-ounce malt liquor, a crack pipe and some Air Jordans, and he votes DemocRAT for a lifetime!
- Hurley the Historian says on this date in 1954, Senate Republicans leveled criticism at DemocRAT-turned-Republican Joseph McCarthy and took action to limit his power. The criticism and actions were indications that McCarthy’s glory days as the most famous investigator of communist activity in the United States were coming to an end.
- CONDI RICE SUMS UP THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 75 WORDS: “If you are taught bitterness and anger, then you will believe you are a victim. You will feel aggrieved and the twin brother of aggrievment is entitlement. So now you think you are owed something and you don’t have to work for it and now you’re on a really bad road to nowhere because there are people who will play to that sense of victimhood, aggreivement and entitlement, and you still won’t have a job.”
The Cincinnati City Mess
- Girly Mayor Mark Mallory and his Kentucky butt boy Dough Boy Honey swear they are looking for ways to balance the budget and save money for the city. Here’s one simple way: The city of Cincinnati owns a railway from Cincinnati to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Sell it!
- Also in Cincinnati, Troubled Over-Taxed Payer Tino Delgato says: Let me see IF I have this correct. City Clown-Sale is comprised mostly of those who have never succeeded at a real job let alone run a company. Now they want FOUR year terms. I am OK with that as long as they are NOT paid and have a real job. The Mahogany restaurant’s million dollar loan approved by SIX of them shows me their lack of business acumen. Where do they get these people? When that restaurant closes its doors try to find any of these 6 geniuses. Go Figure!!!
- The recently scheduled CFT Happy Hour immediately turned into CFT Sad Hour after “president” Julie Mubarak SellYourSoul failed to show up at her own event due to her frolicking around Columbus still talking about Senate Bill 5. Her absence was not missed, however, because the numerous politicians filled in for her normal nonsensical babble. Of the over 2,500 CFT members, exactly 28 attended the Sad Hour. Meanwhile, down at the Pink Pony, members of the new Educators for a Change (EFAC) enjoyed complimentary drinks, appetizers and a robust presentation on how to defeat Sellers in the upcoming election less than one year away.
- Last week was a pervert media fest for our favorite defense attorney James “The Rock” Bogen. First, he was on TV for that Anderson Twp. McDonald’s pervert case. Then he got his mug on TV again Friday with that guy charged with climbing through some woman’s apartment window and groping her while she was asleep. Word has it that the Rock plans to rehash his famous “Bogen Defense” by arguing that his client was just trying to wake her up. It worked before when he defended the Altruistic Rapist!
- Great White North Bureau Chief Warren Butler says Elliot Kravitz, 54, of Mason, will go to prison for 41 months for bilking his financial planning clients out of two million dollars. These clients were long-time customers who completely trusted him. Piece of advice: Check your investments and don’t give complete trust to people who handle your finances.
- Warren also reports folks at Lebanon School Facts say someone from the Lebanon City Schools used the schools credit card to purchase fuel on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve and several other times at True Pointe (formerly Landmark). They asked for a list of people who used the card on those holidays and have been denied several times. Wait till we get into the details of this scandal.
- Speaking of schools, last Wednesday at noon that loud wailing you heard on UC campus was not the test of the emergency warning system, it was the cry of UC employees who just found out that the UC health insurance system (Humana) would no longer cover Viagra!
- A Branch Norwoodian wonders where Channel 9, “Substantially True News” gets its information. During last week’s Friday’s tornado coverage, their update “crawl” going across the bottom of the television screen stated there was “100 MPH winds in Norwood.” Norwood had some rain, but only a little wind the entire day. No doubt, media outlets share information. It would have been troubling for relatives and friends of Norwood residents – throughout the tri-state or out of town – believe the worst about the weather here.
Jack Atherton was the co-anchor at Channel 19. He left for greener pastures at TV5. Sheree’s station recently dropped him from the co-anchor desk. During the Friday night storm he was relegated to Moscow, Ohio to report in by PHONE. Jack has not yet sent his audition tape to CFK-TV at Anderson Community Television where Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane has several cable access interview projects in development, but you never know. Jack would be great as the bald guy on Political Science Theater 2012.
- Finally, at yesterday’s meeting of the Conservative Agenda, Political Insiders were asking Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane who put the wrong date on yesterday’s e-dition. “I guess we were too busy gloating over Mean Jean’s demise,” Kane admitted, “ but now that Super Duper Tuesday is finally over, it’s time for The Whistleblower to get back to doing what it does so well— turning over the rocks to shine the light of truth on what we find underneath. It’s time for our snitches and bitches to get back to work.”
Bluegrass Blather
Bluegrass Bureau Chief Ken CamBoo says in Kentucky, there are still 74 more days of fun and frolic until the May 22 Primary Elections. In Frankfort, the Disneyland of politics, the so-called Conservative Senate floor leader Rob “Don’t Call Me Bobby” Stivers has filed his compromise bill for Sudafed-type OTC’s, SB3. Bobby’s compromise, he will “allow” families to get 15 grams per year without a prescription. Seems Bobby wants to turn Kentucky upside down for one little crack head population base in the south. Can you say “targeted enforcement?”
- The Republican Party of Kentucky is still on the hunt for courage. Just like the Lion in the Wizard of Oz, the executive committee and chairman need, you guessed it, “courage.” Seems party smoker chairman Robertson appointed a committee to write a loyalty rule and they did, Then ole Stevie refused to act on it. Rumors are circulating that it was Bitch’s and RAND-TSA’s people that scared him off. Meanwhile, seemingly clueless people are out to run for party seats that they don’t even understand. This type of behavior by the GOP has the Kentucky Dems whistling past the graveyard. They have a loyalty rule and it is a strong one…..If I was King of the Foorreeest!
- Closer to home, in the Fourth Congressional GOP Primary, Gary No-Moore has successfully won the endorsement of the AFL-CIO and NoKY Labor Council. WTF Gary? Wonder if Judge Spendery is still glad he signed Gary’s filing papers? Nutsy Rogers is out putting up Massie signs, and Thomas has yet to figure out that crazy loon might be worth 200 votes, but he will cost him 2,000.
- It seems that this well informed voter’s suspicions were verified Saturday afternoon at Boondoggle County Library. Goof Doofus is part of the establishment! While our Goofster was given his stump on which to speak at the county precinct elections, he took the opportunity to do some venting. He called out our friend Bernie Kunkel who was standing in the back of the room. Un-provoked, Davis proceeded to tell Bernie he should be more concerned about “this” party than that “Other” one! Was he implying that Republicans should not be engaged with the Tea Party? How dare he! When Doofus had finished and was leaving, a Patriot stood up and called out Davis for his wrongful grandstanding. Davis did not issue an apology and kept walking. This former Davis supporter is still waiting for a public apology from Davis. This snitch is wondering what the real reason that Davis is so willing to quit now! This snitch will never address him as “Congressman” again, seeing his lack of respect for others opinions.
Stories We’re Working On
Obama sets record deficit in February
- 77% Say Gas Most Important Factor in Election.
- Obama gives administration jobs to some big fundraisers
- Energy Secretary says I don’t even own a car. Who cares how much gas costs?
- Lottery winner kicked off food stamps
- 84-year-old woman who tried to vote told she’s dead
- BB&BJ Day in Fort Mitchell on March 20
Whistleblower Web Poll
This week, here’s why the first 17,648 Whistleblower Web Poll respondents said Defeated Corrupt Evicted Lying Plagiarizing Meddling Overblown Bought-and-paid-For Tax-and-Spend Wrinkle-Puss RINO Bitch-in-a-Ditch “Mean Jean” Schmidt lost the Election:
(A) Mitt Romney’s vigorous campaign in Hamilton and Clermont counties: 2%
(B) No last-minute hit piece from the Maggie/Che$ley/Cunningham cabal: 1%
(C) All those Whistleblower readers actually voted: 1%
(D) Barry Bennett and Joe Jansen were running “Mean Jean’s” campaign: 96%
Note: Everything we write doesn’t have to be so damn cynical and mean-spirited, it’s just so much more fun that way!
Rejection Election
This week, everybody who doesn’t know how the news media could have been surprised when “Mean Jean” was defeated on Tuesday when they all read The Whistleblower every day, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.
The winner is Card-carrying Conservative Gary Boldwater, who says it would be interesting to get a look inside the Wenstrup for Congress Constant Contact database to see just how few of their press releases were even opened by the members of the media who are now “shocked” at the outcome. Maybe if they had read a few of those emails they would’ve known that the storm was brewing.
Gary wins an Official Whistleblower Campaign Countdown Clock, a commemorative “Save Us, Alex” bumper sticker, and a full refund on his ticket to “Mean Jean’s” big cancelled event on the Ides of March. His winning limerick is:
After Super Duper Tuesday’s Elections.
The pundits will have their reflections
They would smile and grin
Would Michele Bachmann still in
They would enjoy their erections.
After Super Duper Tuesday’s Elections
Will the GOP experience numerous defections,
Thanks to harassment-by-robocall?
What about speaking truth and standing tall?
This process needs massive disinfections.
And from the Anderson Laureate (who now knows why his poetic license is being revoked and now has something to tell the padre at this week’s confession):
After Super Duper Tuesdays elections
(Or as the Japanese would say, “erections”)
I hope and I pray
We can make Obama go away
It all depends on our Presidential selection.
The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“Celebrating Political Backstabbing Day.”
e-mail your egregious eulogies today.
Some mournful items in today’s Blower were sent in by our extremely mournful subscribers, but we could always use more.
Link of the Day
Ronald Reagan: Fight for Freedom
Note: We guarantee Blackberry subscribers who don’t go home and see links and pictures on their computers are not going to appreciate all of this good stuff today.
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