Tag Archives: overtaxed-payers

Another “Anderson Apocalypse Update” E-dition

SATURDAY, MAY 19, 2018

Our Message For Monday
In Texas, it’s “One riot, one Ranger.”  Forest Hills seems to have twisted that into “One school district, one resource officer.”  Fact is, they can’t afford any more resource officers without a new tax levy.  They are totally incapable of changing wasteful spending to free up funds.  They are going to ask for more.  A lot more.  Maybe somebody should ask the Forest Hills School Board to explain at Monday night’s meeting.

To see Forest Hills’ Five-Year Forecast, CLICK HERE.

Check out the “Excess of Revenues and Other Financing Sources over (under) Expenditures and Other Financing Uses”: SEE THE RED NUMBERS.  Those are fiscal warnings to state authorities.  If not corrected, Forest Hills will be designated in fiscal distress.  To see that explained, CLICK HERE.  

That forecast was posted over a year and a half ago.  It is seriously out of date.  Are they hiding operating funds they misdirected into their misconceived, underfunded, and misleadingly sold building plan?  Likely, if not certainly.

Forest Hills School Board President Frooman and his buddies in crime want to get rid of the Redskins knowing the financial situation they’ve put the district into.  Even if they set such a change to occur in a year or two, they still couldn’t afford it. So what’s a million dollars of public money to them?  What’s fiscal distress?  Blame it on the overtaxed-payers.  The voters.

Then they’ll just wash their hands and walk away. That’s Frooman’s Folly.

If the public does not stop this, does not demand the resignations of the board members that perpetrated this situation, does not demand competent replacements, then they deserve what they will be getting:  Fiscal shame and a New Mascot.