Official “Drinking The Mask-er Aid” E-dition


March 04, 2021

My Dear Friends and Benefactors,


Sieg heil!


As some of you have pointed out, it’s been quite a while since I have delivered a sermon to my followers, so allow me to atone for my negligence…

Do you remember the allegory at the heart of the tale of Pinocchio?  No?  Apparently, most Americans don’t either, because they have fallen into the same trap – that we have laid for them – as Pinocchio and Lampwick did.  Let me explain…
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In this so-called children’s story, Pinocchio, Lampwick, and other urchins are picked up off the street and brought to a place called Pleasure Island, where, they are assured, they can do anything they want and not suffer any consequences.  Smoke cigars, drink, eat candy and cake all day long, not go to school, tear the place up: whatever tickles their fancy!

But after a period of unrestrained self-indulgence, something strange happens: they start to grow donkey ears and eventually become completely transformed into donkeys, with nothing but beastly instincts and nature!  Their minds are blinded to this transformation until it is too late – and once the transformation is complete, they are rounded up and shipped off to the mines for a life of slavery!
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I find this most amusing, my friends!  Why?  Because so many Americans – especially the religious ones – are so quick to accuse us Marxists of being atheistic materialists!  Now tell me: what is the American god but the acquisition of money and possessions?  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!  America: the land of material prosperity, the land of laissez-faire capitalism, the land of opportunity and riches!  Materialism writ large!  Hypocrisy writ even larger!

Trump should have changed his motto to “Make America Greedy Again”!

And what has happened to this hypocritical America?  Their addiction to money, material goods and self-indulgence has made them blindly obedient and enslaved to their lower instincts, just like Pinocchio and Lampwick.  Precisely the trap we intended, for being blindly obedient to their instincts also makes them enslaved to FEAR: the fear of death.

Yes, the fear of death.  Therein, my friends lie the key to the astounding success of our “pandemic.”  It is the fear of death that ensures obedience to mask-wearing.  It is the fear of death that ensures social distancing.  It is the fear of death that ensures lockdown self-enforcement and snitching on their neighbors.  And best of all, it is the fear of death that ensures enthusiasm for vaccination.

Wait now – did I say enthusiasm?  Let’s make that euphoria!  What’s the first question American senior citizens are now asking each other when they meet?


My friends, that will soon be the pickup line in elderly singles bars!

What delicious irony – the fear of death leads to cooperation that ensures death!  Death by vaccine-induced cytokine storm!
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No, these shallow, pitiful Americans never learn until it’s too late.  Your “eat, drink and be merry” days are over, Gringos!  We have defeated you because you love money just as much as we do!  Look at you, skulking around in your daily lives with those ridiculous masks!  You are beaten!  You are not only slaves to your greed; you are slaves to our New World Order.  To The Great Reset mines with you (those of you that survive the vaccine, that is)!

I must then you, my friends, for clamoring for a new sermon.  What a delight to give free rein to my aggressive feelings!  I can already feel the hate flowing through me…

I, your most humble Supreme Pastor (but in no sense as supreme as our Supreme Master), salute your integrity authenticity, and intersectionality!

Sieg heil!

Yours for a healthier (and more sustainable) Temple,

(Rev.) Jim Jones

Supreme Pastor and CEO, Healthier Lives Matter

Little St. James Island