“Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest”



More Gaffes and Laughs
image005This week, everybody who thinks the best reason not to vote for Obama’s Impeachment has always been having Joe Biden as Vice President, e-mailed an entry to the Whistleblower Limerick Contest.

The winner is noted Whistleblower Presidential (and in this case Vice Presidential Scholar) Dorian Grady, who says they’ll need a really big library to keep all of Biden’s gaffes in.

Dorian wins a chance to win a free dinner with Donald Trump for only a $5 donation, a set of Biden’s “chains” for his car in case it snows on Election Day, and “An Obama Countdown Clock” so he can count the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until Obama’s out of office.

How dumb can a vice president be?
Of this I am sure you’ll agree:
Here’s a good bet,
You’ve not seen him yet,
But Joe Biden’s as dumb as a tree.

Here’s one from our Mensa Mensch:
How dumb can a vice president be?
Far worse than you ever can see.
Never any worse fail
Then J. Danforth Quayle
Is anyone dumber than he?

And from the Anderson Laureate (who’s probably not undecided about this year’s election):

How dumb can a vice president be?
Well, hmmm … let me think … maybe I’ll see.
Joe told blacks if Romney reigns
He’ll put them all back in chains,
And said Obamacare is a “big fucking deal” on TV.

When Obama as a candidate was first seen
Joe said he was the first African American who was “clean.”
(He added “articulate and bright”,
But he still wasn’t white)
He’s as smart as the screamer, Howard Dean.

But the one that would really curl your hair
Was what he said to Chuck Graham in a wheelchair
“Stand up, Chuck, let ’em see ya”
The guy was CRIPPLED, Mama mia!
I think this guy might need psychiatric care.

There’s more, but you get the jist
His gaffes would make quite a list
But the Messiah still picked him,
While you and I would have kicked him
The guy really deserves to be dissed.

Kidding aside, how do idiots like this get ahead
While the rest of us barely get our daily bread?
I wouldn’t trust this jerk with my dog
His brain must be in a fog
Common sense, like civility is just dead.

The first line of next week’s limerick is:
“Here’s what we’ll celebrate on this Labor Day”image003

e-mail your DNC Talking Points today.image006

Some race-baiting items in today’s Blower were sent in by our equally race-baiting subscribers.image003

Whistleblower VIDEO of the Day
How to be Politically Correct
Are you sick of offending all the annoying pansies you’re constantly coming in contact with? Follow these 5 tips to become more politically correct and less offensive!


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