Special “Sunday Sermon” E-dition


This Sunday in America…at the Church of The Compassionate Conservative, Beloved Whistleblower Publisher, the Right-Wing Reverend Charles Foster Kane was asking his Political Parishioners to pray for Political Poll Watchers on Election Day 2016 in only 86 more days.

image004NPR says politicians often urge supporters to get out and vote. But Donald Trump wants them to go further: get out and vote, and then stake out polling places to watch for cheating. At a Friday campaign event in Altoona, Pennsylvania, the Republican presidential nominee said voting might not be enough for him to win. “The only way we can lose in my opinion — I really mean this — in Pennsylvania, is if cheating goes on,” Trump said. “We have to call up law enforcement. And we have to have the sheriffs and the police chiefs and everybody watching.” He wanted the voters themselves to get involved as well. “I hope you people can sort of not just vote on November 8, go around and look and watch other polling places, and make sure that it’s 100 percent fine,” Trump said.  [MORE]

These weren’t just off-the-cuff remarks for Trump. On his campaign website, you can sign up to “volunteer to be a Trump election observer.”image006

image014And, as The Blower predicted more than two months ago, the Biased Liberal News Media is continuing to use their so-called “latest poll results” as the basis for their coverage each and every day between now and the November Elections. Do you think many of those stories will contain an explanation of the way those bogus polls are “constructed?” Not a chance!

image014Now let’s all watch Still Report: #1097 Trump Tromps Clinton in Social Media Support
