Special “The Week That Was” E-dition

week that was


Your Whistleblower Week in Review   

MONDAY (MARCH 14), The Blower Featured

“Political Backstabbers Day Eve” (Don’t say we didn’t warn you!)image004 - Copy

“Indecision 2016” (If you don’t vote, you’ll be leaving the decision to someone even dumber than you are!)image005 - Copy

“Indecision 2016 Update” (The Ohio Primary Noxious Nightmare Is Almost Over!)image007 - Copy

“Targeting Trump”(Protesters Paid To Disrupt Rallies)image009 - Copy

“Voter Reminder” (Featuring a Donald Trump Hit Piece) image010 - Copy

And In Our “Monday Message” From The Whistleblower Newsroomimage012 - Copy

Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus said everybody’s waiting for the polls to open in Ohio tomorrow so see how many Cruz and Rubio Supporters vote for Ohio Governor John Kasich to stop Donald Trump. Actually, there are only three possible outcomes of tomorrow’s voting: (1) Trump wins both Florida and Ohio, (2) Trump wins either Florida or Ohio, and (3) Trump wins neither Florida nor Ohio, and all the conjecture you may hear between now and a winner in those states are determined is superfluous.image006  TUESDAY (MARCH 15) The Blower Featured 

“Backstabber Nominations” (Is Obama America’s “Backstabber in Chief?”)image013 - Copy

“To Vote Or Not To Vote” (That Is The Question)image014 - Copy

“Cartoon Wars” (More Political Propaganda From Both Sides Of The Aisle!)image015 - Copy

“DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” (Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin)image016 - Copy

“Politics At The Polls” (Were You Were Expecting a Real Election?)image018 - Copy

And In “Tuesday’s Triumphs” From The Whistleblower Newsroom It Was More Delegates For Trump.image019 - Copyimage006 WEDNESDAY (MARCH 16) The Blower Featured 

“God Must Love Stupid Voters” (Because He made So Many Of Them!)image020 - Copy

“2016 Ohio Primary Election Results” (Fraud At The Polls) image021 - Copy

“Those Were The Good Old Days” (From The Whistleblower Archives)

Edition #42 (published on March 19, 1991) of the original printed edition of The Whistleblower (not the Newswire) was delivered to Persons of Consequence all over town. That Week’s “Really Big Story” was all about Landslide Charlie Luken’s run for President. The Top Ten List was the top ten reasons Landslide Charlie Luken should run for president in 1992, and a story about how 55 WKRC was standing by its report that General Norman Schwartzkopf would be throwing out the first pitch on Opening Day for The Reds.image022 - Copy

“Voting Analysis” E-dition (The Ohio Republican Primary Election)image023 - Copy

“Backstabber Voting” (“Best Friend” Is Ten Letters, But So Is “Lying Bitch.”)image025 - Copy And In “Wednesday’s Wild Cards” From The Whistleblower Newsroom

Whistleblower Senior National Political Affairs Analyst Britt Humus says the two leading GOP campaigns intend to muscle the Ohio governor out of the race. Advisers to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz say there’s no way they’ll allow John Kasich to even compete at a contested national convention — let alone prevail. Trump and Cruz are betting that their dual dominance in the delegate hunt will permanently box out the Ohio governor, who has no mathematical path to the nomination and is openly pursuing a floor fight at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. And their aides say Kasich won’t even make it to the floor.image027 - Copyimage006

THURSDAY (MARCH 17) The Blower Featured

“Wearin’ of the Green” (Did Trish The Dish Really Say It Didn’t Look Like Spring because St. Patrick Didn’t See His Shadow?)  image030 - Copy

“Political Postery” (Adding To Our Second Amendment Collection) image031 - Copy

“Right-Wing Radio” (Countering The Liberal Media Establishment) image033 - Copy

“Scalia Scenario (Obama’s Announces His Stupid Choice)image034 - Copy

“Political Punch Lines” (Hoping To Hear A Lot More Of Them Tonight!) image037 - Copy

In “Thursday’s Tactics” From The Whistleblower Newsroomimage038 - Copyimage006

Friday (March 18) The Blower Featured

“St. Patrick’s Day Hangover” E-dition (Casual Racism Against the Irish Is OK!)image040 - Copy

“Weekly Whistleblower Limerick Contest” (Prize-Winning Political Poetry Since 1990)image042 - Copy

“President Trump’s Cabinet” (Check Out Some Early Choices!)image043 - Copy

“Devious DemocRATS” (Duping Dumbed Down DemocRAT Donors)image044 - Copy

And Just Another “Guest Column” (But It’s Still The Same Old BS!)   image046 - Copy

         Why, it’s none other than our old friend Newt Gingrich (shown here with our Not Easily Impressed Beloved Whistleblower Publisher Charles Foster Kane), author of the Republican’s original “Contract with America” that swept an historic number of Republicans into office in 1994.image006

And SATURDAY (MARCH 19) The Blower  Featured

 “Remembering Shock and Awe” (Bush called it “Operation Iraqi Freedom)image048 - Copy

 “What’s Right With America” (Honoring Real American Heroes!)image049 - Copy

 “Cartoon Wars” (More Political Propaganda From Both Sides Of The Aisle!)image051 - Copy

 “DemocRAT Talking Points Memo” (Where Biased Local Newscasts Begin)image052 - Copy

In Our “Patronage County Today” E-dition, We Heard About Tuesday’s Primary Elections In Ohio image053 - Copy

And Our “Saturday Strategery” (Kasich’s Krazy Kampaign)image055image006

If you missed any of these e-ditions, you now have a lot of catching up to do!

And to see where Beloved Whistleblower Charles Foster Kane came up with the idea for the weekly format the Whistleblower Newswire has been using for our “The Week That Was” E-dition every Sunday since the October 18, 2009 E-dition, CLICK HERE!

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