Special “Fools for Schools” E-dition

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Top Ten List

image005Today we have the Top Ten Reasons Conservative Anderson Trustee Josh Gerth is speaking at rallies in favor of that Humongous $103 million Forrest Gump School District Tax Hike that will really cost dumbed-down voters $170 million:

10. I forgot
9. The dog ate it
8. She told me she loved me
7. I did it to help the children
6. The Devil made me do it
5. I just wanted to be loved–is there anything wrong with that?
4. I’m a RINO
3. I was framed
2. This whole thing is just one big terrible mistake

…and the Number One Reason Conservative Anderson Trustee Josh Gerth is speaking at rallies in favor of that Humongous $103 million Forrest Gump School District Tax Hike that will really cost dumbed-down voters $170 million is… Alex T. and the guys at the Hamilton County RINO Headquarters said nobody would ever find out.

More Real E-Mails from Real Subscribers

image028Our Angry Anderson says The Blower had some really good “Real E-Mails From Real Subscribers” about the Forrest Gump School District’s HUMONGOUS $103 million Tax Hike in Tuesday’s E-dition, but here some of the ones we must’ve missed:

  • image007Only two more weeks of blatantly breaking campaign finance laws promoting this levy without anyone turning us in and we’re home free. —Superintendent “Smiling Dallas” Jackson, Forest Hills Schools to district employees working full time promoting the levy with public funds
  • So what if this school levy I’m supporting gets my neighborhood a new school and no one else gets one? I’m a township trustee and you’re not. —Josh Gerth, Anderson Township Trustee to BetterWayForForestHills spokesperson Elizabeth Barber
  • So what if this school levy I came up with gets my neighborhood a new school and no one else gets one? I’m on the school board and you’re not.” —Jim Frooman (And Randy Smith, And Tony Hemmelgarn And Forest Heis) To Homeowners On The Anderson Side Asking Why 38-Year-Old Turpin High School Gets An “Extensive Rebuild” While Their 53-Year-Old High School Gets New Ceilings, Fresh Paint, And A Partial Roof Replacement That’s Supposed To Last 25 Years But Will Be Billed To Over-Taxed Payers For 32.5 Years
  • So what if home buyers will pick Mason over Anderson because their schools will still be more modern than ours after we waste $200 million in property taxes on our old buildings? We still make our commissions when residents move out because they want better schools for their kids, too.” —Local Realtors Supporting The Levy
  • $103 million for Band Aids on our school buildings is not our fault. It’s because of ObamaCare. Band Aids are really expensive now. Suck it up like the rest of us. —Forest Hills Levy 2014 Campaign Committee
  • WTF! —Uninformed Voters Hearing For The First Time What Forest Hills School District Wants To Spend $103 Million On
